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. 2020 Nov 18;6(47):eabc3054. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc3054

Table 1. The efficacy of mobility restrictions and social connectedness.

The dependent variable is Social distancing. Restrictions is the number of the five restriction types currently adopted in the county. SCI China and SCI Italy are the SCI values between the county and China and Italy, respectively. N cases is the current number of confirmed cases in the county. Heteroscedasticity-consistent SEs, double-clustered by county and day, are shown in parentheses. Significance levels: *0.1, **0.05, and ***0.01.

(1) (2) (3)
Restr. × ln(SCI China) 0.0048***
Restr. × ln(SCI Italy) 0.0052***
Restrictions (0–5) −0.0245***
ln(N cases) 0.0122***
State-Day FE Yes Yes Yes
County FE Yes Yes Yes
N 184,766 184,766 184,766
R 2 0.756 0.756 0.756