Sterre van der Veen, MD |
University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands |
Drafting/revision of the article for content, including medical writing for content; analysis or interpretation of data |
Gabrielle T.W. Tse, MD |
Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia |
Drafting/revision of the article for content, including medical writing for content; major role in the acquisition of data |
Alessandro Ferretti, MD |
Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome, Italy |
Major role in the acquisition of data |
Giacomo Garone, MD |
Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy |
Major role in the acquisition of data |
Bart Post, MD, PhD |
Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, the Netherlands |
Major role in the acquisition of data |
Nicola Specchio, MD, PhD |
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy |
Major role in the acquisition of data |
Victor S.C. Fung, MBBS, PhD |
Westmead Hospital, Australia |
Drafting/revision of the article for content, including medical writing for content; major role in the acquisition of data; and study concept or design |
Marina Trivisano, MD, PhD |
Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome, Italy |
Major role in the acquisition of data |
Ingrid E. Scheffer, MBBS, PhD |
University of Melbourne, Australia |
Drafting/revision of the article for content, including medical writing for content; major role in the acquisition of data; study concept or design; and analysis or interpretation of data |