Overview of the common purslane genome assembly and features. A) Morphology of the common purslane seedling, flowers, separated pistil and stamen, mature seeds, stem, and root. Images were digitally extracted for comparison. White scale bars in flowers, leaf, stem, and root: 0.5 cm; red scale bars in separated pistil and stamen, and mature seeds: 0.2 mm. B) Handmade leaf slice showing the C4 Kranz anatomy of common purslane leaves. Blue circle shows typical Kranz leaf anatomy. Black and blue arrows show bundle sheath and MCs, respectively. Scale bars, 0.1 mm. C) Malate accumulation in common purslane leaves under normal or drought conditions at night. Data are means ± Se of 3 biological replicates. *P < 0.05 by t-test. D) Overview of the common purslane genome assembly. Track a, 26 assembled chromosomes; Tracks b to f represent the other genomic features as indicated at the lower left of the circle plot. The colors indicate the density of genomic features in 1-Mb sliding window along chromosomes. Track g shows syntenic blocks. Band width is proportional to the size of the syntenic block. CK, control; D, drought.