Figure 6.
Analyses of WGD and TD of the common purslane genome. A) Comparison of the number of tandem duplicates in different species. B) Percentage of DEGs and non-DEGs for WGD and non-WGD, TD, and non-TD genes upon heat and/or drought treatment. **Significant difference by P < 0.01 (chi-square test). C) An example of gene expansion from WGD and TD events in the P. oleracea genome. The genes encoding ELIPs, thought to act as photoprotectants, are highly upregulated upon heat and drought treatments. The highlighted orange regions are from WGD, while the light blue ones are from TD. D) TFs, especially several stress-related TF families, are significantly enriched in the WGD gene set compared with the non-WGD set. **P < 0.01 by chi-square test. CK, RNA-seq data under normal conditions; D, drought; H, heat; and DH, combined drought and heat.