a, FFT-accelerated interpolation-based (FI) t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) analysis of concatenated whole-blood samples from ten patients with p52LOF/IκBδGOF variants, and ten age-matched healthy control individuals (HC), based on cytometry by time of flight (CyTOF) data. t-SNE analysis is not shown for the patients with p52LOF/IκBδLOF variants (n = 4) or APS-1 (n = 6) owing to their lower number. NK, natural killer cells; mDCs and pDCs, myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells, respectively. b, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)-based unsupervised clustering analysis of CD19+ B cells from a concatenated group of 10 patients with p52LOF/IκBδGOF variants and 31 age-matched controls (HC), with a heat map showing the mean levels of the surface markers included in the clustering defining 19 distinct metaclusters, CD27 marker expression and the metacluster distribution in healthy control individuals and patients with p52LOF/IκBδGOF variants. c, The number of B cells and the proportions of memory B cells, Treg cells and circulating TFH (cTFH) cells in patients with a p52LOF/IκBδGOF variant (n = 10, red dots, except for the B cell numbers, showing only patients above 6 years of age, n = 9), age-matched controls (n = 27, black dots), patients with a p52LOF/IκBδLOF variant (n = 4, orange dots) and patients with APS-1 (n = 6, green dots). Statistical comparisons were performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests. AD, autosomal dominant. d, The proportion and number of patients with p52LOF/IκBδGOF (n = 57), p52GOF/IκBδLOF (n = 6) or p52LOF/IκBδLOF (n = 7, including 4 reported here and 3 previously reported56) NF-κB2 variants with their corresponding clinical manifestations. e, The proportion and number of patients with severe/recurrent (red shape) or no/non-severe (grey shape) viral diseases among the 57 patients with p52LOF/IκBδGOF NF-κB2 variants. f, COVID-19 severity scale for unvaccinated patients with a p52LOF/IκBδGOF (red dots, n = 9), p52LOF/IκBδLOF (orange dots, n = 2), p52GOF/IκBδLOF (blue dots, n = 2) or neutral (grey dots, n = 2) NF-κB2 variant. Statistical comparisons were performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests. g, Age at the COVID-19 episode in unvaccinated patients with a p52LOF/IκBδGOF (red dots, n = 9), p52LOF/IκBδLOF (orange dots, n = 2), p52GOF/IκBδLOF (blue dots, n = 2) or neutral (grey dots, n = 2) NF-κB2 variant, as a function of COVID-19 severity. Statistical comparisons were performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests.