Extended Data Fig. 3. Additional examples of canonical correlations and preserved latent dynamics between pairs of sessions from two different monkeys and mice.
A) Example canonical correlations between motor cortical latent dynamics for monkeys during movement execution for the centre-out reaching task. Shown are five of the individual comparisons included in the pooled results in Fig. 2g. B) Example canonical correlations between motor cortical latent dynamics for mice during movement execution. Shown are five of the individual comparisons included in the pooled results in Fig. 2j. C) Same as (B) for mouse striatum. D) Same as (A) but during movement planning. E) Trajectories described by the motor cortical latent dynamics before (left) and after (right) alignment for a representative pair of sessions from two different mice. Individual lines, mean latent trajectory to each target (colour coded as in the inset). F) Similar to (E), for striatal latent dynamics in mice. G) Similar to (E), for motor cortical latent dynamics during covert movement preparation in monkeys.