Figure 3.
3D structures of metal-dependent class II SFP aldolases.A, crystal structure of HpSqiA•Zn showing tetrameric solution state assembly. B, overall fold of HpSqiA monomer showing dimerization domain comprised of helices α8 and α8a. C, active site of HpSqiA•Zn showing two mutually exclusive metal-binding sites and the coordinating residues. D, crystal structure of YaSqiA showing tetrameric assembly. E, overall fold of YaSqiA monomer. F, active site of YaSqiA•Zn•sulfate showing two mutually exclusive metal-binding sites and the location of bound sulfate anions. Electron density in blue corresponds to 2Fo − Fc map contoured at 1σ. SFP, sulfofructose-1-phosphate.