Inhibition of GBP1 inhibits the clonogenic potency of ovarian cancer cells
(A–H) Human and mouse-origin ovarian cancer (OC) cells were stably transduced with GBP1 (GBP2b in the mouse cell line) overexpression (OV) or vector control (VC) or scrambled control (SC) or GBP1 shRNA (GBP2b in mouse cell line) (KD) using a lentiviral vector and the level of GBP1 expression was confirmed via Western blotting as described in the STAR Methods section. 100–500 OC cells/wells were plated in 12-well tissue culture plates and allowed to grow for 7–10 days. Colonies were stained using crystal violet and confluency was measured. Data are shown as mean ± SD. Significantly different compared with respective controls by Student’s t test.
(A–D) OC cells were either transduced with VC or GBP1-OV lentiviral vector.
(E–H) OC cells were either transduced with SC or GBP1-KD lentiviral vector.