Table 5.
The results of the meta-analysis of the associations of SNPs with diabetes mellitus in the APOE gene cluster on chromosome 19 adjusted for the ε4- and ε2-encoding SNPs.
SNP ID | Position | Alleles | β | SE | P-value | Direction | I2 | P-het |
rs11666329 | 44851039 | G/A | −0.022 | 0.009 | 1.55E-02 | --+---- | 26.6 | 2.26E-01 |
rs440277 | 44857967 | G/A | 0.019 | 0.010 | 4.29E-02 | -++++++ | 0 | 6.55E-01 |
rs73052307 | 44881148 | T/C | 0.030 | 0.013 | 2.66E-02 | --++++- | 12.8 | 3.32E-01 |
Column Position is a chromosome position in base pairs given in Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 (GRCh38). All SNPs are mapped to the NECTIN2 gene.
Column Alleles shows major/minor alleles. A minor allele was used as an effect allele.
SE denotes a standard error.
Column Direction shows signs of the effects in individual cohorts, ordered as ARIC, CHS, FHS, GENADA, LOADFS, MESA, and UKB (see Table 1 footnotes for abbreviations). Positive (+) and negative (−) signs indicate positive and negative values of beta. Question mark (?) refers to not available estimates.
I2 is a heterogeneity coefficient across cohorts; P-het is the heterogeneity p-value.