Fig. 3.
Plot of the deviations for each sample from the linear diagonal in the NROH versus SROH plots shown for minimum ROH lengths Mb that are transformed to the corresponding estimated time in years. The boxplots with overlaid points (transparent gray) and boxplot outliers (black) show the median deviation and the variability of the deviation. The sample trajectories (smoothed gray lines) show the development through time of the deviation for each sample. The maximum deviation for all samples is found at about 1.0Mb corresponding to year 615. The bottleneck and consanguineous population event is estimated starting at year and increasing with a maximum consanguineous population in year and similarly consanguineous between years . Thereafter, the bottleneck effect slowly decreases. For comparison the three dotted lines (black) illustrate the dating of the oldest archaeological findings from the Faroe Islands: two pre-Viking colonization events at about years and years [9], and the first apperance of sheep DNA in year 500 (CI: ) [10]