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. 2023 Nov 17;7(12):bvad136. doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvad136

Table 2.

Multivariable-adjusted ORs and 95% CIs for the association of urine BPA, triclosan, paraben, and phthalate metabolite measures with metabolic syndrome, overall and by race and ethnicity among women in the multiethnic cohort study

Total Population
n = 1728
African American
n = 90
Japanese American
n = 828
n = 145
Native Hawaiian
n = 287
Non-Hispanic White
n = 378
P het
No MetS
(95% CI)
No MetS
(95% CI)
No MetS
(95% CI)
No MetS
(95% CI)
No MetS
(95% CI)
No MetS
(95% CI)
Bisphenol A .35
 ≤0.84 200/426 1.00 18/21 1.00 78/225 1.00 29/48 1.00 47/48 1.00 28/84 1.00
 >0.84-≤1.76 158/388 0.93
7/17 0.51
69/193 1.05
14/20 1.18
37/67 0.60
31/91 1.05
 >1.76 160/392 0.96
11/15 0.97
70/193 1.14
18/15 1.79
36/51 0.71
25/118 0.64
P trend .71 .51 .69 .96 .71 .44
Triclosan .61
 ≤5.27 210/410 1.00 22/28 1.00 72/166 1.00 24/40 1.00 53/56 1.00 39/120 1.00
 >5.27-≤20.57 160/369 0.87
7/11 0.52
73/196 0.86
18/15 1.84
35/61 0.51
27/86 0.91
 >20.57 148/427 0.80
7/14 0.70
72/249 0.74
19/28 1.47
32/49 0.60
18/87 0.70
P trend .99 .51 .67 .84 .41 .26
ΣMEP parabens .79
 ≤47.51 230/395 1.00 12/13 1.00 84/176 1.00 21/17 1.00 65/84 1.00 48/105 1.00
 >47.51-≤195.19 160/397 0.82
10/20 0.80
67/204 0.82
27/26 0.82
34/48 0.92
22/99 0.81
 >195.19 128/414 0.73
14/20 0.83
66/231 0.81
13/40 0.30
21/34 0.76
14/89 0.80
P trend .002** .37 .06 .01* .57 .28
Total parabens .77
 ≤49.26 229/396 1.00 12/13 1.00 84/179 1.00 21/16 1.00 64/83 1.00 48/105 1.00
 >49.26-≤201.53 163/396 0.84
10/21 0.79
68/200 0.85
27/27 0.77
36/48 0.95
22/100 0.81
 >201.53 126/414 0.72
14/19 0.85
65/232 0.80
13/40 0.29
20/35 0.70
14/88 0.84
P trend .002** .36 .07 .01* .53 .29
MEHP% .59
 ≤5.49% 187/360 1.00 11/13 1.00 71/174 1.00 25/26 1.00 44/52 1.00 36/95 1.00
 >5.49-11.08% 181/407 0.93
16/17 0.77
78/198 1.03
19/29 0.72
43/61 1.03
25/102 0.79
 >11.08% 150/439 0.75
9/23 0.30
68/239 0.74
17/28 1.29
33/53 0.85
23/96 0.78
P trend .09 .06 .22 .62 .42 .77
 ≤9.76% 176/359 1.00 12/14 1.00 64/170 1.00 26/24 1.00 42/52 1.00 1.00
 >9.76-21.36% 186/410 1.01
16/17 1.00
77/202 1.06
21/30 0.68
44/57 1.08
 >21.36% 156/437 0.82
8/22 0.22
76/239 0.89
14/29 0.84
34/57 0.85
P trend .18 .04* .56 .56 .21 .99
 ≤7.87% 197/360 1.00 11/15 1.00 75/174 1.00 25/27 1.00 49/54 1.00 37/90 1.00
 >7.87-16.86% 174/412 0.91
16/17 0.82
75/199 0.99
21/28 0.85
37/58 0.98
25/110 0.70
 >16.86% 147/434 0.73
9/21 0.37
67/238 0.72
15/28 1.13
34/54 0.84
22/93 0.73
P trend .05 .04* .15 .59 .36 .70
Phthalic acid .38
 ≤36.90 159/386 1.00 8/9 1.00 82/239 1.00 12/19 1.00 39/46 1.00 18/73 1.00
 >36.90-≤79.76 174/405 0.94
9/23 0.19
74/195 1.05
26/22 1.50
34/61 0.71
31/104 1.02
 >79.76 185/415 0.92
19/21 0.44
61/177 0.95
23/42 0.68
47/59 0.75
35/116 1.25
P trend .42 .77 .82 .15 0.97 0.53
 ≤63.21 171/404 1.00 18/25 1.00 70/211 1.00 16/23 1.00 44/58 1.00 23/87 1.00
 >63.21-≤133.05 194/399 1.14
12/16 0.78
77/209 1.09
25/20 1.63
45/57 1.10
35/97 1.25
 >133.05 153/403 0.89
6/12 0.68
70/191 1.11
20/40 0.45
31/51 0.77
26/109 0.96
P trend .59 .67 .58 .06 .89 .36
 ≤78.13 176/403 1.00 16/25 1.00 70/208 1.00 16/27 1.00 45/60 1.00 29/83 1.00
 >78.13-≤149.24 188/387 1.11
14/15 0.97
71/200 1.07
29/17 1.72
47/56 1.32
27/99 0.77
 >149.24 154/416 0.85
6/13 0.65
76/203 1.12
16/39 0.37
28/50 0.77
28/111 0.74
P trend .42 .48 .72 .06 .81 .21
 ≤64.00 163/384 1.00 7/5 1.00 82/230 1.00 6/11 1.00 41/63 1.00 27/75 1.00
 >64.00-≤145.29 187/397 1.08
14/14 0.42
82/201 1.08
21/24 2.28
42/54 1.22
28/104 0.88
 >145.29 168/425 0.86
15/34 0.19
53/180 0.86
34/48 1.60
37/49 0.91
29/114 0.92
P trend .06 .04* .21 .45 .93 .40
 ≤226.33 175/379 1.00 10/11 1.00 82/219 1.00 12/13 1.00 48/60 1.00 23/76 1.00
 >226.33-≤442.34 173/397 0.98
11/20 0.31
74/194 1.17
24/24 0.76
33/54 0.72
31/105 1.08
 >442.34 170/430 0.78
15/22 0.41
61/198 0.84
25/46 0.37
39/52 0.71
30/112 1.05
P trend .06 .19 .45 .08 .68 .26

Adjusted for breast cancer status, age (<65, ≥ 65–74, ≥ 75 years), BMI at urine collection (<25, ≥ 25–30, ≥ 30 kg/m2), and race and ethnicity (except in analyses stratified by race and ethnicity). All EDCs in units of ng/mg creatinine.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; DEHP, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate; het, heterogeneity; HMWP, high molecular weight phthalates; kg, kilograms; LMWP, low molecular weight phthalates; LMHMPA, low and high molecular weight phthalates and phthalic acid; m, meters; MECPP, mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate; MEHHP, mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate; MEHP, mono-2-ethylhexyl-phthalate; MEOHP, mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate; MEP, methyl-, ethyl-, and propylparabens; MetS, metabolic syndrome; OR, odds ratio.

* P < .05 before Bonferroni corrections for multiple testing.

** P < .003 statistically significant after Bonferroni corrections for multiple testing.