Figure 4. nmrHas2 mice display a younger transcriptome signature and reduced inflammation during ageing.
a. GSEA plots showing that the young gene set is upregulated, and the old gene set is downregulated in the liver of old nmrHas2 mice of both sexes. NES, normalized enrichment score.
b. GSEA shows that the pos-MLS gene set was upregulated in the liver and kidneys of nmrHas2 mice. The neg-MLS gene set was downregulated in the liver and kidneys of old nmrHas2 mice. *False-discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted P < 0.05, ***FDR-adjusted P < 1 × 10−5.
c-d. GO term enrichment analysis shows that the livers of old female (c) and male (d) nmrHas2 mice have fewer inflammation-related pathways upregulated during ageing.
e-f. GO term enrichment analysis shows that inflammation-related pathways are downregulated in the livers of old female (e) and male (f) nmrHas2 mice.