a. Representative pictures of LGR5 in situ hybridization in the small intestine of young and old nmrHas2 and creER mice. Scale bar, 50 μm.
b. Lgr5+ intestinal stem cell counts in the small intestines of 7- and 24-months old mice. Pooled females and males (n=10).
c. Intestinal crypts isolated from nmrHas2 mice have significantly upregulated Has2 levels. Intestinal crypts were isolated from 5-months old mice (n=4).
d. Intestinal crypts from old nmrHas2 mice form more intestinal organoids in vitro n=3. Addition of HMM-HA, but not LMM-HA, to creER crypts resulted in a greater number of organoids. Scale bar, 100 μm.
e. Organoid quantification in 7- and 24-months old mice (n=3).
f. Model for the anti-ageing effects of HMM-HA. HMM-HA produced by overexpression of the nmrHas2 gene protects tissues from oxidative stress, improves maintenance of ISCs to provide a better gut barrier function during ageing and reduces the production of pro-inflammatory molecules by immune cells. The beneficial effects of HMM-HA further contribute to the longevity and healthspan of the mice. For b, c and e, P values were calculated using two-tailed unpaired t-tests; P values are indicated in the graphs. For b, c and e, data are mean ± s.e.m. The symbols represent biological replicates. Adjustments were made for multiple comparisons.