Fig. 2. Tsetse-transmitted T. brucei parasites establish replicating populations in the skin equivalents.
a Infection of high-density skin equivalents (hdSEs) with tsetse-transmitted trypanosomes. Three hdSEs were stacked (# 1, 2, 3) and exposed to tsetse flies. b Trypanosomes were detected in the skin dermis by stereo-fluorescence microscopy. Parasites (yellow) expressing the fluorescent protein tdTomato were found in multiple finger-like lesions (white arrows), probably corresponding to the bite path of the tsetse fly. Scale bar, 500 μm. c Analysis of the injection depth of tsetse-transmitted trypanosomes. Three dermal equivalents with a standardized height of 1 mm were stacked and infected with trypanosomes by tsetse flies. The numbers of parasites in each equivalent were quantified after 1 h and expressed as fractions of the total. Results are shown as median ± IQR (n = 9 independent infections). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. d Cell numbers and population doubling times (PDTs) of trypanosomes in skin equivalents at various times post-infection (hpi, dpi) over a 7-day timecourse. Numbers of monomorphic bloodstream form (BSF) parasites 7 days post syringe injection into skin equivalents are shown as comparison. Data represent means ± SD (n = 9 infected hdSEs examined per time point over three independent experiments). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. e Flow cytometry of parasite viability by Calcein-AM staining of infected hdSEs. Results are means ± SD (n = 9 independent measurements per time point). The gating strategy is described in Supplementary Fig. 5d. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. f Scanning electron microscopy of hdSEs at 4 dpi. (I) Overview showing an intact epidermal layer (yellow) and the presence of trypanosomes (purple) in the connective tissue of the dermis (yellow arrow). Scale bar, 30 µm. (II + III) Entanglement of trypanosomes with collagen fibers. (IV + V) Parasites were found in close contact with dermal fibroblasts (blue). (V + VI) Proliferation was evidenced by the double flagella of trypanosomes (orange arrows). Scale bar, 2 µm (II, III, IV, V, VI). Scanning electron microscopy was conducted on three independently infected hdSEs and representative images are shown.