a Activity of SAKO (n = 5) and Flox (n = 5) mice. b–d Oxygen consumption (b), carbon dioxide production (c), energy expenditure (d) of SAKO (n = 5) mice and controls (n = 5) were assessed over 24 h by ANCOVA (analysis of covariance). e The various components of oxygen consumption rates of mature adipocytes from SAKO (n = 3) mice and their controls (n = 3). The asterisks in the figure represent the exact P values in the order: P = 0.038, P = 0.023, P = 0.033. f Rectal temperatures of SAKO (n = 6) mice and their Flox littermates (n = 5), which were recorded during cold stimulation for 4 h and returned to RT for 10 min. g–i qPCR detection results of thermogenesis gene (g), beige adipocyte marker (h) and mitochondria-related gene (i) expression in IngWAT from SAKO (n = 9) mice and controls (n = 9). j Western blot analysis of thermogenesis protein expression in IngWAT from SAKO (n = 3) mice and controls (n = 3). Right panel, summary of the quantification of three independent experiments. k Immunostaining for Ucp1 in the IngWAT of SAKO and Flox mice. Representative images from three independent experiments are shown. Scale bar = 50 µm. l Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and adipocyte cell size measurements of IngWAT. Representative HE images from three independent experiments are shown. Right panel, the quantitative results of the size of each adipocyte counted (Flox: n = 162 cells; SAKO: n = 144 cells). Scale bar, 500 µm (left); 20 µm (right). m qPCR analysis of the expression of lipolysis genes in IngWAT from SAKO mice (n = 6) and their Flox littermates (n = 7). Values are the fold induction of gene expression normalized to the housekeeping gene β-Actin (g–j, m). Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was assessed by unpaired two-sided Student’s t test (a, e, f, g–j, m) or two-way ANCOVA (b–d). The exact P values are shown in the figure or corresponding legends; *P < 0.05. SAKO Slc35d3 adipocyte-specific knockout, IngWAT inguinal white adipose tissue, RT room temperature. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.