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. 2023 Nov 14;3:102711. doi: 10.1016/j.bas.2023.102711

Table: 3.

Chemoprophylaxis regimen and outcome measures of studies included in the review.

First author Publication year Chemoprophylaxis drug Route of administration Dosage Duration Additional DVT/PE prophylaxis measure DVT cases/all patients Symptomatic DVT cases/all DVT cases Method of DVT identification PE cases/all cases Complications
Zhao et al. 2018 LMWH NA 5000 IU/day Until ambulation Lower limb exercises 64/710 5/64 U/S: preoperatively and 7th postoperative day 2/710 Death: 1
Guo et al. 2017 LMWH SC 6 h after surgery: 2125 IU, then 4250 IU/day 7–14 days or until ambulation Thigh-high compression stockings with SCD
Active straight-leg raising exercise or passive exercise
PLIF: 2/98
Intervertebral fusion: 0/98
0/2 U/S: preoperatively, 7th & 14th postoperative day, 4th postoperative week 0/198 Allergic reaction to LMWH: 1
SC ecchymosis: 1
Incisional bleeding: 2
Epidural hematoma: 1
Vint et al. 2021 LMWH SC 4500 IU/day Starting the evening before surgery; 3–5 days (continued with aspirin) TEDS for 6 weeks
Intermittent pneumatic compression intraoperatively and 24 h after
Early mobilization the morning after surgery
0/200 0/0 Clinically (followed for 52 weeks) 0/200 Incisional bleeding/hematoma: 0
GIT bleeding: 0
Retroperitonial hematoma: 0
Li et al. 2019 LMWH NA 5000 IU/day NA Mechanical prophylaxis 349/1518 0/349 U/S: preoperatively, 1st & 2nd & 4th & 8th & 12th postoperative weeks 0/1518 NA
Kiguchi et al. (group 1: start of chemoprophylaxis <24 h post-operatively) 2021 UH SC 5000 IU/day Median dose: 7 NA 2/105 2/2 Clinically (within 30 days of surgery) 0/105 Bleeding complication (e.g. epidural or retroperitoneal hematoma): 5
HIT: 1
Kiguchi et al. (group 2: start of chemoprophylaxis >24 h post-operatively) 2021 UH SC 5000 IU/day Median dose: 6.5 NA 2/70 2/2 Clinically (within 30 days of surgery) 0/70 Bleeding complication (e.g. epidural or retroperitoneal hematoma): 5
Yang et al. (Study 1) 2015 LMWH NA 4100 IU/day 7 days post-operatively Mechanical prophylaxis 97/784;
Single level fusion: 79/575
Double level fusion: 38/178
3+ level fusion: 8/31
NA U/S: pre- and post-operatively (exact timing not mentioned, 7th post-operative day mentioned) 0/784 Epidural hematoma: 2
Yang et al. (Study 2) 2015 LMWH NA 4100 IU/day NA Mechanical prophylaxis 223/995,
Single level fusion: 156/731
Double level fusion: 51/218
3+ level fusion: 16/46
NA U/S: pre- and post-operatively (exact timing not mentioned) 0/995 Epidural hematoma: 1
Weber et al. 2014 LMWH NA Starting 4–6 h post-operatively NA Below the knees TEDS
SCD starting preoperatively
Early mobilization (postoperative day 1–2 if possible)
0/40 0/0 Clinically &
U/S: 2/3 of patients on 4th or 5th post-operative day
0/40 Epidural hematoma: 0
Wei et al. 2016 LMWH SC 4000 IU/day Post-operative days 1–7 (if a patient had a positive d-dimer test the first dose was given 12 h pre-operatively) Intermittent pneumatic compression
Mobilization starting on postoperative day 5
269/2864 0/269 Clinically (U/S if positive) &
U/S: pre-operatively, 5th post-operative day
0/2864 Epidural hematoma: 6
Altshuler et al. 2020 UH SC 5000 IU/8 h Starting on post-operative day 1, duration NA SCD
Early mobilization (postoperative day 1 if possible)
Minimally invasive group: 3/406
Open group: 4/190
7/7 Clinically 3/596,
Minimally invasive group: 0/406
Open group: 3/190
Bai et al. 2019 LMWH SC NA Starting 24 h post-operatively, duration NA Passive mobilization 78/277 NA NA (patients followed for 12–48 months) 2/277 GIT bleeding: 12
Cerebral bleeding: 1
Death: 1
Liu et al. 2017 LMWH NA 4100 IU/day NA Limb exercise 13/140 0/13 U/S: pre- and post-operatively (timing not mentioned) 0/140 Epidural hematoma: 0

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; PE: pulmonary embolism; LMWH: low molecular weight heparin; NA: not available; U/S: ultrasound; SC: subcutaneous; IU: international units; SDC: sequential compression device; PLIF: posterior lumbar interbody fusion; TEDS: thromboembolic deterrent stockings; GIT: gastrointestinal tract; UH: unfractionated heparin; HIT: heparin induced thrombocytopenia.