Figure 8.
Network responsiveness with faster NMDA decay time constant. As in Figure 7, the network responsiveness to broad Gaussian inputs of different amplitudes during γ and AI states are displayed. In this case, the used NMDA synaptic times constant used in Equation 5 are = 2 ms and = 50 ms. The responsiveness of RS neurons, was measured in different states AI and γ for NMDA synaptic parameter sets: = 0.8 nS and = 1 nS (γ: black, AI: gray), and = 0.36 nS and = 0.4 nS (γ: blue, AI: light blue). The Gaussian amplitude varied from 0.25 to 2.5 Hz (step of 0.25 Hz), always keeping the same SD of 50 ms. Every point corresponds to the average responsiveness measured in 10 simulations. SEMs are indicated by the shaded region around each curve.