Intrapersonal level
Physical or Mental Health |
Physical health:Mental health:
Problems with cognition; attention, memory and confusion [54,56,62,63]
Lack of motivation [50,51,62]
Disruptive behaviour PwD [35,62]
Emotional barriers (fear) [51,63]
Depressive symptoms and negative feelings [64]
Low sense of efficacy PwD (or caregiver) [55]
Lack of confidence at home [55]
Mental well-being [41]
Perceived/experienced physical benefits [35,41,50,52,55,56,57,58,61,65]
Improve or maintain physical function/physical well-being [35,63,66]
Expectation/belief in possible physical benefits [54,56]
Meaningful purpose of PA [56,63]
(Awareness of) diagnosis [66]
Physical health:Adapt exercises to physical capabilities/PwD’ needs [51,55,58,60,61,63] Mental health:
Strategies to overcome memory problems (memory aids) [35,53,55,56]
Mental strategy [35,63]
Behavioural problem solving [61]
Individual preferences |
Negative perception/dislike of specific PA [52,55]
Boredom or lack of enthusiasm [53]
Not enjoying PA [54]
Lack of accommodating PA (to preferences) [52]
Difficulty finding appropriate activities [50]
Dislike of structured exercise [65]
Enjoyment of PA [57,66,67]
Positive (past) association/experience with PA [41,56,64]
Using preferred or familiar activities/hobbies [53,58]
Sense of commitment [54]
Assist with research [65]
PwD chooses PA [53]
Activities related to everyday life [60]
Minimize caregiver burden [65]
Desire and need to go outdoors [63]
Interpersonal level
General support from informal caregiver, family or health professional |
Caregiver factors (burden, doubts) [50,62,64,65]
Concerns regarding safety [41,62]
Caregiver and PwD not living together [54]
Lack of practical and emotional support [56]
Lack of guidance [55]
Forced/no freedom [64]
Relationship dynamics [41]
Perceived disruptive behaviours by family [62]
Caregiver/family support/dyadic approach [41,54,55,56,60,62,65,66]
Advice, feedback and support experts [50,54,56,58,65]
Quality/trained of instructor/staff [52,55,58,62]
Trusting relationship trainer, PwD and caregiver [50,62]
Practical strategies [35,63]
Educating caregiver and PwD [61,62]
Positive feedback/environment [55]
Attitude of the spouse towards PA [66]
Positive experience of spouse [66]
Community walking groups [64]
Volunteer walking guides [64]
Dog walking [64]
Support from staff in nursing homes |
Benefits for staff [57,58]
Staff prepared to deliver PA [58,59]
Social identification |
Social participation/connectedness [41,50,55]
Being with people in the same situation [66,67]
Networking [62]
Community level
Structural and organizational factors |
Limited organized activities [50,62]
Practical reasons (time, location) [52,66]
Competing commitments (activities, holiday) [54]
Obtain collaboration from care practitioner for medical clearance [62]
Lack of resources, space/storage/time [67]
Logistical barriers: transportation [66]
Strict timing of walks [57]
Amount of content delivered [55]
Armrests of chairs [60]
Costs [52]
Collaboration between experts [50]
Difficulty transferring dyads to expert [50]
Understanding protocol [61]
Adhering to time schedule [61]
Development of habit/daily routine [35,54,56,64]
Intervention accommodation [60]
Instruction methods [53,58,60]
Program characteristics [51,52,65]
Individual supervision [60]
Low-cost opportunity PA [50]
Tele-health is easy to use [67]
Providing transportation [62]
Exercise recording [65]
Slow introduction of new activities [64]
Norms and public health recommendations [63]
Support for AAA agencies [61]
Physical environment |
Environment (weather, inaccessible, not safe) [41,57,63,64]
Difficulty finding the way [35]
Being away from home [65]