Neuronal activity reporter cFos is elevated in hippocampal neurons in A657T. A, Representative images of the hippocampus after a single bout of running labeled with cFos from WT mice and A657T mice. Both example mice had run equivalent distances (WT: 0.898 km; A657T: 0.928 km). Calibration: 100 mm. B, cFos cell density was measured in the upper and lower blade of the DG (DGUB, DGLB) and in each of the subregions of the CA3 a-c. C, Total running distance of each animal. D, Density of cFos-labeled cells in DG and (E) each subregion of the hippocampus in WT and A657T mice. F, Total density of cFos-labeled cells of WT and A657T mice as a function of their running distance in the DG and (G) CA3 regions.