Hsp70–TLR4 ligand binding augments in H2.35 hepatocytes when pre-treated with leptin. (A) Immunofluorescence dual labeling of TLR4 (green), Hsp70 (red), and colocalization (yellow) taken at 60× (oil) magnification displayed with a scale of 50 μm in the H2.35 hepatocytes from Control, Hsp70, Leptin, and Leptin + Hsp70 groups. Some of the colocalization events are indicated by white arrows. (B) Morphometry of TLR4–Hsp70 colocalization (yellow) events in all the groups were measured as arbitrary fluorescent units from six separate microscopic fields and plotted along the ordinate. All p-values were determined through one-way ANOVA with the significance level set at p < 0.05. (C) Immunofluorescence dual labeling of TLR4 (green), Hsp70 (red), and colocalization (yellow) with DAPI (blue) counterstained taken at 60× (oil) magnification, displayed in zoom with a scale of 5 μm in the H2.35 hepatocytes in Hsp70 and Leptin + Hsp70 groups. Some of the colocalization events were indicated by white arrows.