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. 2023 Oct 29;9(11):1059. doi: 10.3390/jof9111059

Table 1.

Candida auris: nosocomial outbreaks that have incorporated genotypic methods to investigate isolate relatedness.

Country, Year (Reference) Setting No. Patients/No. Outbreak Isolates Analyzed Typing Method Genetic Diversity Drug-Resistance Genes and Mutations
USA 2017
Single centre New Jersey (NJ), single centre Illinois (IL) 2/2 NJ
2/2 IL
WGS NJ: 2 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by <10 SNPs)
IL: 2 isolates assigned to clade IV (separated by <10 SNPs)
Not reported
UK 2018
Neurosciences ICU (over 3 years) 70/72 WGS All outbreak isolates formed a single genetic cluster (clade III) comprising 72 isolates from 37 patients and 6 temperature-probe isolates (separated by <30 SNPs between isolates);
close matches between patient and temperature-probe samples
Not reported
Saudi Arabia 2020
Single centre, various wards 7/7 WGS All 7 isolates assigned to clade I but 2 sub-clusters (for both clusters, isolates within separated by <10 SNPs) Not reported
USA 2020
Surgical ICU,
liver transplant
5/5 WGS All 5 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by <16 SNPs) Not reported
Italy 2021
COVID ICU 10/10 WGS All 10 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by mean/median SNPs 7) All isolates resistant to fluconazole and amphotericin B
ERG11 K143R mutation all isolates
TACB1 A640V mutation all isolates
Hong Kong 2021 [81] Single centre 15/19 WGS All 19 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by <13 SNPs) Not reported
USA 2021
Single centre; COVID-19 ward, non-COVID-19 wards 15/15
12 in COVID-19 ward,
3 in non-COVID-19 ward
WGS 12 isolates with spatio-temporal link: all assigned to clade III (separated by ≤5 SNPs);
3 non-COVID ward isolates with no spatio-temporal link also closely related to COVID ward isolates (≤5 SNPs)
Not reported
USA 2021
Single institution 14/20 WGS All 20 isolates assigned to clade III (separated by 1–9 SNPs);
however, unable to distinguish 5 outbreak isolates from non-epidemiologically unliked isolates (n = 15)
Not reported
USA 2021
Multiple LTACH/vSNFs in region (9 facilities) 182/81 WGS 81 isolates assigned to clade III (separated by <11 SNPs);
suggesting significant spread among these facilities in the region
Not reported
Canada 2021
ICU of community health facility 4/4 WGS All 4 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by ≤15 SNPs) ERG11 Y132F mutation all isolates
UK 2022
Single hospital (ICU, cardiothoracic, cardiac medical) 16/21 WGS 18 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by mean of 4 SNP); 4 environmental isolates also belonged to clade I;
3 isolates assigned to Clade III (separated by mean 12 SNPs);
3 introductions to hospital, with subsequent spread
ERG11 Y132F mutation-in clade I isolates (n = 18 clinical and 4 environmental isolates), ERG11 F126L mutation in clade III isolates (n = 3)
France 2022 [87] Burn ICU 2/2 WGS Both isolates assigned to clade I (separated by ≤12 SNPs) Not reported
Iran 2022
5 isolates from Iran (different settings) 5/5 STR and WGS New clade identified (clade V) (with isolates within separated by <100 SNPs) and separated by >200,000 SNPs from other clades ERG11 Y132F mutation (n = 1),
ERG11 I466L mutation (n = 1),
TAC1b D599G mutation (n = 1)
Lebanon 2022
Single centre (ICU, resp care, CCU neuro ICU, ED) 21/28 WGS 28 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by 1–6 SNPs) All fluconazole and amphotericin B resistant
ERG11 Y132F mutation all isolates
CDR1 D709E mutation all isolates
Italy 2023
ICU 503/60 WGS All 60 isolates assigned to clade Ic (separated by median of 8 SNPs, IQR 5–12);
in comparison, non-epidemiologically linked “control” isolates reported as less related (separated by median of 14 SNPs, IQR 12–16)
All 60 isolates resistant to fluconazole
2 isolates resistant to caspofungin
Gene mutations identified in azole-resistant isolates:
CDR1 (V704L substitution),
ERG1 (K143R),
TAC1B (A640V)
HMG1 (P238H)
Qatar 2023
9 major hospitals 65/76 WGS All 76 isolates assigned to clade I (separated by ≤21 SNPs) ERG11 Y132F mutation (n = 120), K143R (n = 2)
CDR1 E709D mutation (n = 12), V704L (n = 2)
FKS1 S639F mutation (n = 2) and S639Y (n = 1)
One pan-resistant isolate also harboured a premature stop codon in ERG3 and novel mutations in CDR2
Venezuela 2016
single centre
18/18 AFLP All isolates (n = 18) clustered together with overall similarity of 85% with two sub-clusters; cluster was distantly related to strain type of C. auris. Not reported
UK 2016
Cardiothoracic ICU
single centre
50/15 AFLP All isolates (n = 15) formed a distinct cluster with high degree of relatedness;
clearly separated from isolates (n = 48), not linked to cluster
Not reported
Spain 2018
Single centre ICU 140/58 AFLP All isolates (n = 58) in a single cluster, with overall genetic similarity of >96% Not reported
Kuwait 2020 [94] HDU of secondary care hospital (long-term care) 71/71 12-locus short tandem repeat (STR) analysis With exception of 4 isolates from a single patient which differed only at a single locus, all outbreak isolates (n = 71) and environmental isolates (n = 7) had identical STR patterns and belonged to clade Ic;
control clade I isolates not linked to outbreak also differed from outbreak isolates at one locus only
ERG11 Y123F mutation present in nearly all isolates; 4 isolates (one patient) had the ERG11 K143R mutation.
Brazil 2021
Single centre ICU 6/6 Microsatellite analysis All 6 isolates belonged to clade I but were of three different STRs, signifying three different strains (~85% related) Not reported

AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphisms; CCU, coronary care unit; ED, Emergency Department; HDU, high-dependency unit; ICU, intensive care unit; LTACH, long-term acute care hospital; neuro, neurosurgical; resp, respiratory; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; STR, short tandem repeat; vSNFs, ventilator skilled nursing facilities; WGS, whole genome sequencing.