A) Scatterplots display changes in transposons expression upon Bon GLKD driven by
MT-Gal4 (left) or
nos-Gal4 (right) as determined by RNA-seq data (log
2-transformed TPM values,
n = 3). Flies with
white GLKD driven by
MT-Gal4 (left) or siblings from the same cross that lack Bon shRNA (right) were used as a control. (
B) Volcano plot shows fold changes in genes expression upon Bon GLKD driven by
MT-Gal4 in the ovary as determined by RNA-seq data (
n = 3). Flies with
white GLKD driven by
MT-Gal4 were used as a control. Genes that change significantly (qval <0.05, LRT test, sleuth;
Pimentel et al., 2017) and >twofold are highlighted, and
ple are labeled. Genes with infinite fold change values (zero counts in control ovaries) are not shown. (
C) Venn diagram of the number of significantly derepressed genes (qval <0.05, LRT test, log
2FC >1) upon Bon GLKD driven by
MT-Gal4 and
nos-Gal4. (
D) Bar graph shows the relative expression of
CG34353 and
pst (normalized to rp49 level) in control and Bon-depleted ovaries (RT-qPCR, dots correspond to three independent biological replicates (n=3); error bars indicate st. dev.; p<0.01, two-tailed Student’s t-test). Confocal images of egg chambers show RNA in situ hybridization chain reaction (HCR) detecting
bonus and
CG34353 (
E) and
pst (
F) mRNAs in flies with
Bon GLKD and control siblings from the same cross that lack Bon shRNA (scale bar: 20 μm).