Global causes of death from 1990 to 2016. (A) shows that 57% of global deaths in 1990 were from chronic or “communicable” diseases, compared to 33% for “communicable”, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases, and 10% for injuries. (B) shows that these percentages for the same categories in 2016 were 72%, 19%, and 9%, respectively. (C) shows that these percentages for the same categories in 2016 were 74% and 26% for the combined last two categories, as the data was unclear. The data to make (A,B) was taken from Anderson and Durstine, 2019 [139], and (C) from the 2022 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) called “Noncommunicable Diseases: Progress Monitor 2022” [4].