‘Gala’ apples co-inoculated with P. chrysogenum and P. expansum isolates at different times: (A) Mean lesion diameter from wounds inoculated with P. expansum R19 and Pe21 at 7 days after P. chrysogenum 404 and 413 inoculation into wounded ‘Gala’ apples (7 DBI). All measurements were taken at 3, 5, and 7 days (D3, D5, and D7) postinoculation of the P. expansum inoculum, with the mean wound diameter of TTW-only inoculated fruit subtracted from each. Data are presented as the mean lesion diameter from a representative trial (n = 5), and error bars represent the standard deviation. A Kruskal–Wallis test was performed with the Wilcoxon post hoc test (p < 0.05) to determine the significance between inoculum at each timepoint. Values with the same letter are not significantly different. (B) Representative photos of lesions formed 7 days after inoculation of R19 (top) or Pe21 (bottom) into the wound 7 days after the initial inoculation of (left to right) TTW control, 404, or 413. (C) Percent incidence of rot observed across both trials 7 days postinoculation of the P. expansum isolates (7 DBI). DBI = days between inoculations. TTW = tween-treated water.