Fig. 1. Real-space nano-spectroscopy of surface phonon polaritons in pristine SrTiO3 at 15 K.
a Left axis: real (red line) and imaginary (blue line) parts of the STO permittivity in the upper SPhP band (shaded area) corresponding to the highest-frequency phonon mode ν4 (depicted in the inset). Right axis: the real part of the in plane SPhP momentum (green line) and the momentum of light in free space (purple line). The inset shows the unit cell of STO (Sr – green, Ti – gray, O – red), where the arrows denote the vibration eigen vector of the LO mode according to ref. 40. b Schematics of the SPhP interferometry experiment. The incident infrared beam (red arrows) illuminates both the metal edge and the s-SNOM tip. The edge launched SPhPs (orange arrows) propagate toward the tip. The back-scattered radiation contains contributions from two paths: the one mediated by the SPhPs (P1) and the one directly scattered by the tip (P2). As a result, an interference pattern is formed as a function of the edge-tip distance. α, β and φ represent the incident angle, the azimuthal angle and SPhP propagating angle, respectively. c Nano-FTIR distance-frequency map of the s-SNOM amplitude demodulated at the 2nd tapping harmonics and normalized by the signal on metal. Light blue dashed line represents the surface optical phonon frequency . d Symbols: line profile at 690 cm−1 (dashed dark-blue line in c). Solid line: a damped-sine function fit of the data. e Symbols: the fringe spacing extracted from the fits, as a function of frequency. Red solid line: the best fit using formula (1) as described in the text. Green and purples lines: the SPhP wavelength and the light wavelength respectively. f Calculated propagation length (top panel) and experimental SPhP decay length (bottom panel) as a function of frequency. All error bars correspond to the standard deviation.