Fig. 2. The contextualised population structure, antimicrobial resistance, and genetic features of South African Shigella flexneri 2a.
The maximum likelihood phylogeny A shows the S. flexneri 2a isolates South African sub-sampled isolates (indicated by pink dot overlying the terminal node) among Phylogroup 3 representatives. The BAPS clusters for the South African samples are shown in the outer ring according, coloured to the inlaid key. Sub-clusters of polyphyletic Cluster 3 are indicated with ‘a’ (locally circulating) and ‘b’ (possibly imported). B A Maximum Clade Credibility tree from Bayesian analysis shows the population structure of the S. flexneri 2a with branch lengths in time, scaled in years by the concentric rings radiating from the tree MRCA in the centre. BAPS clusters are indicated in the ring immediately adjacent to tree tips, coloured according to top inlaid key) and their MRCA 95% HPDs are indicated by blue bars for BAPS Clusters 1, 2, and 4. The circulating sub-clusters of polyphyletic BAPS Cluster 3 are labelled ‘a’ and ‘b’ and the MRCA 95% HPD of locally circulating ‘a’ indicated at the defining node in orange. Other metadata rings (from inner to outer, coloured according to the inlaid keys) show the: antimicrobial resistance profiles by antimicrobial class (combination of predicted and phenotypic resistance—see methods; blue = resistant and orange = susceptible), breadth of mapping coverage across the SRL (green), the presence of virulence genes capU and traT (black), and where an isolate was derived from a blood sample (rather than stool; red). MRCA most recent common ancestor, HPDs highest posterior density interval, BAPS Bayesian analysis of population structure, SRL Shigella resistance locus. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.