Fig. 3. Histogram showing genetic assignment of the three Canada jay (Perisoreus canadensis) morphotypes (Boreal, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific) and putative phenotypic hybrids (referred to as intergrade morphotypes) using mtDNA (mt), GENODIVE (HI) and Structure (Q).
For microsatellite data, individuals were first assigned to a genetic cluster (red = Boreal, yellow = Rocky Mountain, Pacific = green) with STRUCTURE. Following this STRUCTURE run, individuals with admixed ancestry (i.e., those individuals with a Q < 0.70) were assigned to a genetic group or identified as a putative genetic hybrid type (olive = Boreal × Rocky Mountain, light gray = Pacific × Rocky Mountain, dark gray = Pacific × Boreal) with GENODIVE. For mtDNA the colors correspond with the three mtDNA clades (red = Boreal, yellow = Rocky Mountain, Pacific = green, white = not genotyped for mtDNA).