Illustrative presentation of blood vessels (a,B,c,D,e,F,g,H,i,J,k,L) in control rats (small italic letters) (a,c,e,g,i,k) and BPC 157-treated rats (capital italic letters) (B,D,F,H,J,L). Considerable failure or recovery was noted after decompression and reperfusion in rats who were subjected to the intra-abdominal hypertension of 25 mmHg for 60 min (a,B,c,D) (i), 30 mmHg for 30 min (e,F,g,H) (ii), or 40 mmHg for 30 min (iii) (i,J,k,L) and sacrificed after the corresponding reperfusion period (60 min (i) (a,B,c,D) or 30 min (ii (e,F,g,H); iii (i,J,k,L))) depending on whether they had received (sc) saline (controls) or BPC 157 at 3 min reperfusion times. Commonly, controls presented the marked congestion of the superior mesenteric vein (dashed black arrows) and inferior caval vein (dashed violet arrows) and a collapsed azygos vein (dashed blue arrows) and aorta (dashed red arrows). Contrarily, BPC 157-treated rats exhibited a consistent therapy effect and counteracted failed vessel presentation; the superior mesenteric vein (full black arrows) and inferior caval vein (full violet arrows) reversed to normal vessel presentation; the collapsed azygos vein (full blue arrows) and aorta (full red arrows) fully recovered.