The association between protein intake and linear growth. Spline smoothing, based on a generalized additive model, was adjusted for gender ethnicity, age (as a continuous variable), pubertal stages, premature, birth length (as a continuous variable), maternal age (as a continuous variable), parental education levels (as a continuous variable), parental height (as a continuous variable), household income levels, smoking status, drinking status, moderate to vigorous physical activity, central obesity, length of nighttime sleep (as a continuous variable), dietary fat intake (as a continuous variable), dietary carbohydrate intake (as a continuous variable), and serum calcium, zinc, vitamin D3, and vitamin A levels (as continuous variables). (A) The association between protein intake (g·kg−1·d−1) with body height; (B) The association between protein intake (g·kg−1·d−1) with HAZ; (C) The association between protein intake (E%) with body height; (D) The association between protein intake (E%) with body height.