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. 2022 Apr 5;14(1):11–24. doi: 10.1177/21925682221089579

Table 4.

Change the AO subtypes and Thoracolumbar AO injury severity Score after MRI compared to CT alone.

CT classification MRI classification P-value
AOSpine TLAOSIS N Change in AO classification, N (%) Reason Change in TL AOSIS, N (%)
TL AOSIS≤ 3 (non-operative treatment) 88 6/88 (6.8%) Upgrade to type B 6/88 (6.8%) ≤3 to >5
A1/M0 ≤3 48 4/48 (8%) Upgrade to type B 4/48 (8.3%) ≤3 to >5 0
A1/M1 ≤3 10 1/10 (10%) Upgrade to type B 1/10 (10%) ≤3 to >5 0
A2/M0 ≤3 5 0/5 (0%) Upgrade to type B 0/5 (0%) ≤3 to >5 0
A2/M1 ≤3 1 1/1 (100%) Upgrade to type B 1/1 (100%) ≤3 to >5 0
A3/M0 ≤3 24 0/24 (0%) Upgrade to type B 0/24 (0%) ≤3 to >5 0
TL AOSIS 4-5 (gray zone) 4- 5 74 8/74(10%) Upgrade to type B 24/74(32%) 4- 5 > 5
A4/M0 5 54 4/54 (7%) Upgrade to type B 4/54 (7%) 5 to >5 0
A3/M1 4 20 4/20 (20%) Upgrade to type B 20/20 (100%) 4 to >5 (20%)
4 to ≤3 (80%)
TL AOSIS >5 (operative treatment) >5 to 5 or ≤3 82 12/82(14.6%) Upgrade to type B or downgrade to A 5/82 (6%) >5 to 5 or ≤3
A4/M1 >5 19 6/19 (32%) Upgrade to type B
Downgrade to A4
6/19 (34%)
>5 to >5
>5 to 5
B >5 54 4/54 (7%) Downgrade to A4 4/54 (7%) >5 to 5 0
  1/54(2%) Downgrade to A1 1/54(2%) >5 to ≤3 0
C >5 9 0/9(0%) 0
Total 244 25/244 (10.2%) Upgrade to type B or down grade to A 48/244(19.7) <.0001

Abbreviations: TLAOSIS , Thoracolumbar AOSpine Injury Severity Score; CT , Computed Tomography, MRI , Magnetic Resonance Imaging.