Immunostaining of E12.5 embryonic kidneys after 24 h treatment in the presence of vehicle or 10 mM sodium acetate (a). Quantification of GFP+- cells by FACS in both control and sodium acetated treated cells, n = 13 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (b). Quantification of Lhx1+ nascent nephrons in immunostaining of E12.5 embryonic kidneys after 24 h treatment in the presence of vehicle or 10 mM sodium acetate, n = 6 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (c). Immunostaining of E12.5 embryonic kidneys after 24 h treatment in the presence of 20 µM YN1 or vehicle (d). Quantification of Six2+ cells, n = 6 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (e), or Lhx1-nascent nephrons, n = 8 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (f). E12.5 embryonic kidneys after 24 h treatment in the presence of a combination of 20 µM YN1 + 10 mM sodium acetate or vehicle (g). Quantification of Six2+ cells, n = 5 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (h), or Lhx1+-nascent nephrons, n = 5 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos (i). Prolonged culture of E12.5 kidneys in the presence of vehicle (j, 24 h, and o 48 h); YN1 (k, 24 h and p 48 h); Pravastatin (Prav) (l, 24 h, and q 48 h); Sodium acetate (m, 24 h, and r 48 h); sodium acetate + Pravastatin (n, 24 h and s 48 h). All groups with 48 h cultures comprised 5 pairs of kidneys from independent embryos/per group. Scale bar in a, d, and G = 250 µm. Scale bar in j–s = 10 µm. In all experiments, each pair of kidneys was separated and designated to receive vehicle or treatment randomly. After treatment, the pairs were compared with the two-sided T-test for paired samples, and p-values were shown. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.