Fig. 6.
ALKBH5 regulates the expression of CHAC1 in gastric cancer, leading to modifications in proliferation migration and invasion. (A) Representative IHC images were displayed with anti-CHAC1 antibody (labeled bars were 200 μm) (upper).Differential distribution of ALKBH5 immunoreactivity score (IRS) (ΔIRS = IRST-IRSN). (n = 40, bottom). (B) Changes in mRNA levels of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 after simultaneous overexpression of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 in AGS cells were detected by RT-qPCR. (C) Changes in the protein levels of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 after simultaneous knockdown of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 in AGS cells (right); after simultaneous overexpression of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 (left) were detected by Western Blot. (D) Changes in cellular value-added function were detected after simultaneous overexpression of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 by applying a CCK8 reagent kit. (E) Application of Transwell and Matrigel to detect changes in cell migration and invasion functions in AGS cells that overexpress both ALKBH5 and CHAC1. (Left) Representative images; (right) Quantitative data. (F) Changes in mRNA levels of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 after simultaneous knockdown of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 in AGS cells were detected by RT-qPCR. (G) Changes in cellular value-added function were detected after simultaneous knockdown of ALKBH5 and CHAC1 by applying a CCK8 reagent kit in AGS cells. (H) Application of Transwell and Matrigel to detect changes in cell migration and invasion functions in AGS cells that knockdown both ALKBH5 and CHAC1. (Left) Representative images; (right) Quantitative data