Effect of vpr on SIVmac replication in vivo
(A) Schematic of the SIVmac239 genome and the deleted DNA sequence of the vpr gene highlighted in brackets.
(B) Viral RNA loads in plasma of rhesus macaques infected with wt or Δvpr SIVmac239. The left and middle panels show values obtained for individual animals, and the right panel shows mean viral RNA loads (±SD) in the two groups. The detection limit for viral RNA was 40 copies/mL plasma. +, indicates death of the infected animal.
(C) Cell-associated viral loads. Shown are the numbers of infectious cells per 1 million PBMCs isolated from the blood of macaques infected with wt (left) or Δvpr SIVmac239 (right). p values: ∗, <0.05; ∗∗, <0.01; ∗∗∗, <0.001.