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. 2014 Sep 4;2014(9):CD006424. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006424.pub3
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Unless otherwise stated, search terms are free‐text terms.
'$': stands for any character; '?': substitutes one or no character; adj: adjacent (i.e. number of words within range of search term); exp: exploded MeSH; MeSH: medical subject heading (MEDLINE medical index term); pt: publication type; sh: MeSH; tw: text word.
The Cochrane Library
#1 MeSH descriptor Diabetes mellitus, type 2 explode all trees
 #2 (MODY in All Text or NIDDM in All Text or TDM2 in All Text or TD2 in All Text)
 #3 ( (non in All Text and insulin* in All Text and depend* in All Text) or (noninsulin* in All Text and depend* in All Text) or (non in All Text and insulindepend* in All Text) or noninsulindepend* in All Text)
 #4 (typ? in All Text and (2 in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text) )
 #5 (typ? in All Text and (II in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text) )
 #6 (adult* in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text)
 #7 (matur* in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text)
 #8 (late in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text)
 #9 (slow in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text)
 #10 (stabl* in All Text near/6 diabet* in All Text)
 #11 (#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10)
 #12 MeSH descriptor Diabetes insipidus explode all trees
 #13 (diabet* in All Text and insipidus in All Text)
 #14 (#12 or #13)
 #15 (#11 and not #14)
 #16 MeSH descriptor Education explode all trees
 #17 MeSH descriptor Educational status explode all trees
 #18 MeSH descriptor Self care explode all trees
 #19 MeSH descriptor Self‐Help Groups explode all trees
 #20 MeSH descriptor Self efficacy explode all trees
 #21 MeSH descriptor Health Knowledge, attitudes, practice explode all trees
 #22 MeSH descriptor health promotion explode all trees
 #23 MeSH descriptor Life style explode all trees
 #24 MeSH descriptor Rehabilitation explode all trees
 #25 MeSH descriptor Communication explode all trees
 #26 MeSH descriptor Social support explode all trees
 #27 MeSH descriptor Patient participation explode all trees
 #28 MeSH descriptor Patient compliance explode all trees
 #29 MeSH descriptor Consumer participation explode all trees
 #30 MeSH descriptor Counseling explode all trees
 #31 MeSH descriptor Community Mental Health Services explode all trees
 #32 MeSH descriptor Community Health services explode all trees
 #33 MeSH descriptor Community Health nursing explode all trees
 #34 MeSH descriptor Communication barriers explode all trees
 #35 (complianc* in All Text or adherenc* in All Text)
 #36 (educat* in All Text or cultur* in All Text or instruct* in All Text or information* in All Text or program* in All Text)
 #37 ( (self* in Title, Abstract or Keywords near/6 care in Title, Abstract or Keywords) or (self* in Title, Abstract or Keywords near/6 efficac* in Title, Abstract or Keywords) or (self in Title, Abstract or Keywords near/6 group* in Title, Abstract or Keywords) or (self* in Title, Abstract or Keywords near/6 manag* in Title, Abstract or Keywords) or (self* in Title, Abstract or Keywords near/6 monitor* in Title, Abstract or Keywords) )
 #38 ( (health in All Text and knowledge* in All Text) or rehabilitation* in All Text or communication* in All Text)
 #39 ( (life in All Text and styl* in All Text) or lifestyl* in All Text)
 #40 counsel* in All Text
 #41 ( (structured in All Text and treatment* in All Text) or (teaching in All Text and program* in All Text) )
 #42 (#16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30)
 #43 (#31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41)
 #44 (#42 or #43)
 #45 MeSH descriptor Minority groups explode all trees
 #46 MeSH descriptor Ethnic groups explode all trees
 #47 MeSH descriptor Multilingualism explode all trees
 #48 MeSH descriptor Refugees explode all trees
 #49 MeSH descriptor Population groups explode all trees
 #50 MeSH descriptor Continental population groups explode all trees
 #51 MeSH descriptor Hispanic Americans explode all trees
 #52 MeSH descriptor African Continental Ancestry Group explode all trees
 #53 MeSH descriptor American native continental ancestry group explode all trees
 #54 MeSH descriptor Asian Continental ancestry group explode all trees
 #55 MeSH descriptor European Continental Ancestry Group explode all trees
 #56 MeSH descriptor Oceanic ancestry group explode all trees
 #57 MeSH descriptor African Americans explode all trees
 #58 MeSH descriptor Arabs explode all trees
 #59 MeSH descriptor Asian Americans explode all trees
 #60 MeSH descriptor Gypsies explode all trees
 #61 MeSH descriptor Mexican Americans explode all trees
 #62 MeSH descriptor Inuits explode all trees
 #63 MeSH descriptor Jews explode all trees
 #64 MeSH descriptor Indians, South American explode all trees
 #65 MeSH descriptor Indians, North American explode all trees
 #66 MeSH descriptor Cultural Characteristics explode all trees
 #67 ( (underserve* in All Text near/6 group* in All Text) or (underserve* in All Text near/6 population* in All Text) )
 #68 ( (Disadvantage* in All Text near/6 group* in All Text) or (disadvantage* in All Text near/6 population* in All Text) )
 #69 ethnic* in All Text
 #70 ( (multi in All Text and ethnic* in All Text) or multiethnic* in All Text)
 #71 (multiracial* in All Text or (multi in All Text and racial* in All Text) )
 #72 (migrant* in All Text or immigrant* in All Text)
 #73 refugees in All Text
 #74 (asylum in All Text and seeker* in All Text)
 #75 (cultural in All Text and diversit* in All Text)
 #76 (multilingual in All Text or (multi in All Text and lingual in All Text) )
 #77 ( (multi in All Text and cultural in All Text) or multicultural in All Text or crosscultural in All Text or (cross in All Text and cultural in All Text) or transcultural in All Text or (trans in All Text and cultural in All Text) )
 #78 MeSH descriptor Islam explode all trees
 #79 MeSH descriptor Hinduism explode all trees
 #80 MeSH descriptor Buddhism explode all trees
 #81 (islam* in All Text or hindu* in All Text or sikh* in All Text or buddhism* in All Text)
 #82 (#45 or #46 or #47 or #48 or #49 or #50 or #51 or #52 or #53 or #54 or #55 or #56 or #57 or #58 or #59 or #60 or #61 or #62 or #63 or #64 or #65)
 #83 (#66 or #67 or #68 or #69 or #70 or #71 or #72 or #73 or #74 or #75 or #76 or #77 or #78 or #79 or #80 or #81)
 #84 (#82 or #83)
 #85 (#15 and #44 and #84)
1 exp Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/
 2 (MODY or NIDDM or T2DM or T2D).tw,ot.
 3 (non insulin$ depend$ or noninsulin$ depend$ or noninsulin?depend$ or non insulin?depend$).tw,ot.
 4 ((typ? 2 or typ? II or typ?2 or typ?II) adj3 diabet$).tw,ot.
 5 (((late or adult$ or matur$ or slow or stabl$) adj3 onset) and diabet$).tw,ot.
 6 or/1‐5
 7 exp Diabetes Insipidus/
 8 diabet$,ot.
 9 7 or 8
 10 6 not 9
 11 Education/
 12 exp Educational Status/
 13 exp Self Care/
 14 exp Self‐Help Groups/
 15 exp Self Efficacy/
 16 exp Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/
 17 exp Health Promotion/
 18 exp Life Style/
 19 exp Rehabilitation/
 20 exp Communication/
 21 exp Social Support/
 22 exp Patient Participation/
 23 exp Patient Compliance/
 24 exp Consumer Participation/
 25 exp Counseling/
 26 exp Community Mental Health Services/ or exp Community Health Services/ or exp Community Health Nursing/
 27 exp Communication Barriers/
 28 (complianc* or adherenc*).tw,ot.
 29 (educat* or cultur* or instruct* or information* or program*).tw,ot.
 30 (self adj6 (care or efficac* or group* or manag* or monitor*)).tw,ot.
 31 (health knowledge* or rehabilitation* or communication*).tw,ot.
 32 (life style or life?style).tw,ot.
 33 counsel*.tw,ot.
 34 (structured treatment* or teaching program*).tw,ot.
 35 or/11‐34
 36 exp Minority Groups/
 37 exp Ethnic Groups/
 38 exp Multilingualism/
 39 exp Refugees/
 40 exp Population Groups/
 41 exp Continental Population Groups/
 42 exp Hispanic Americans/
 43 exp African Continental Ancestry Group/
 44 exp American Native Continental Ancestry Group/
 45 exp Asian Continental Ancestry Group/
 46 exp European Continental Ancestry Group/
 47 exp Oceanic Ancestry Group/
 48 exp African Americans/
 49 exp Arabs/
 50 exp Asian Americans/
 51 exp Gypsies/
 52 exp Mexican Americans/
 53 exp Inuits/
 54 exp Jews/
 55 exp Indians, South American/ or exp Indians, North American/
 56 exp Cultural Characteristics/
 57 ((underserve* or disadvantage*) adj6 (group* or population*)).tw,ot.
 58 ethnic*.tw,ot.
 59 (multi ethnic* or multi?ethnic*).tw,ot.
 60 (multi?racial* or multi racial*).tw,ot.
 61 (migrant* or immigrant*).tw,ot.
 63 asylum seeker*.tw,ot.
 64 cultural diversit*.tw,ot.
 65 (multi?lingual or multi lingual).tw,ot.
 66 (multi?cultural or multi cultural or cross?cultural or cross cultural or trans?cultural or transcultural).tw,ot.
 67 exp Islam/
 68 exp Hinduism/
 69 exp Buddhism/
 70 (islam* or hindu* or sikh* or buddhism*).tw,ot.
 71 or/36‐70
 72 10 and 35 and 71
 73 randomized controlled
 74 controlled clinical
 75 randomi?ed.ab.
 76 placebo.ab.
 77 drug therapy.fs.
 78 randomly.ab.
 79 trial.ab.
 80 groups.ab.
 81 or/73‐80
 82 Meta‐
 83 exp Technology Assessment, Biomedical/
 84 exp Meta‐analysis/
 85 exp Meta‐analysis as topic/
 87 (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot.
 88 (meta analy$ or metaanaly$ or meta?analy$).tw,ot.
 89 ((review$ or search$) adj10 (literature$ or medical database$ or medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane or cinahl or psycinfo or psyclit or healthstar or biosis or current content$ or systemat$)).tw,ot.
 90 or/82‐89
 91 81 or 90
 92 (comment or editorial or historical‐article).pt.
 93 91 not 92
 94 72 and 93
1 exp Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/
 2 (MODY or NIDDM or T2D or T2DM).tw,ot.
 3 ((typ? 2 or typ? II or typ?II or typ?2) adj3 diabet*).tw,ot.
 4 (obes* adj3 diabet*).tw,ot.
 5 (non insulin* depend* or non insulin?depend* or noninsulin* depend* or noninsulin?depend*).tw,ot.
 6 ((adult* or matur* or late or slow or stabl*) adj3 diabet*).tw,ot.
 7 or/1‐6
 8 Diabetes insipidus {No Related Terms}
 9 diabet*,ot.
 10 8 or 9
 11 7 not 10
 12 exp education/
 13 exp self care/
 14 exp self help/
 15 exp self concept/
 16 exp attitude to health/
 17 exp health promotion/
 18 exp lifestyle/
 19 exp rehabilitation/
 20 exp interpersonal communication/
 21 exp social support/
 22 exp patient participation/
 23 exp patient compliance/
 24 exp consumer/
 25 exp counseling/
 26 exp community health nursing/ or exp community care/
 27 exp communication disorder/
 28 (complianc* or adherenc*).tw,ot.
 29 (educat* or cultur* or instruct* or information* or program*).tw,ot.
 30 (self adj6 (care or efficac* or group* or manag* or monitor*)).tw,ot.
 31 (health knowledge* or rehabilitation* or communication*).tw,ot.
 32 (life styl* or lifestyl*).tw,ot.
 33 counsel*.tw,ot.
 34 (structured treatment* or teaching program*).tw,ot.
 35 or/12‐34
 36 exp minority group/
 37 exp ethnic group/
 38 exp refugee/
 39 exp "ethnic and racial groups"/
 40 exp race/
 41 exp Hispanic/
 42 exp Negro/
 43 exp American Indian/
 44 exp Asian/
 45 exp Caucasian/
 46 exp Aborigine/
 47 exp African American/
 48 exp Arab/
 49 exp Asian American/
 50 exp gipsy/
 51 exp Hispanic/
 52 exp Eskimo/
 53 exp jew/
 54 ((underserve* or disadvantage*) adj6 (group* or population*)).tw,ot.
 55 ethnic*.tw,ot.
 56 (multiethnic* or multi ethnic*).tw,ot.
 57 (multiracial* or multi racial*).tw,ot.
 58 (migrant* or immigrant*).tw,ot.
 59 (refugee* or asylum seeker*).tw,ot.
 60 cultural diversit*.tw,ot.
 61 (multilingual or multi lingual).tw,ot.
 62 (multicultural or multi cultural or crosscultural or cross cultural or transcultural or trans cultural).tw,ot.
 63 exp religion/
 64 (islam* or hinduism* or buddhism* or sikh).tw,ot.
 65 or/36‐64
 66 11 and 35 and 65
 67 exp Randomized Controlled Trial/
 68 exp Controlled Clinical Trial/
 69 exp Clinical Trial/
 70 exp Comparative Study/
 71 exp Drug comparison/
 72 exp Randomization/
 73 exp Crossover procedure/
 74 exp Double blind procedure/
 75 exp Single blind procedure/
 76 exp Placebo/
 77 exp Prospective Study/
 78 ((clinical or control$ or comparativ$ or placebo$ or prospectiv$ or randomi?ed) adj3 (trial$ or stud$)).ab,ti.
 79 (random$ adj6 (allocat$ or assign$ or basis or order$)).ab,ti.
 80 ((singl$ or doubl$ or trebl$ or tripl$) adj6 (blind$ or mask$)).ab,ti.
 81 (cross over or crossover).ab,ti.
 82 or/67‐81
 83 exp meta analysis/
 84 (metaanaly$ or meta analy$ or meta?analy$).ab,ti,ot.
 85 ((review$ or search$) adj10 (literature$ or medical database$ or medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane or cinahl or psycinfo or psyclit or healthstar or biosis or current content$ or systematic$)).ab,ti,ot.
 86 exp Literature/
 87 exp Biomedical Technology Assessment/
 89 (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot.
 90 or/83‐89
 91 82 or 90
 92 (comment or editorial or historical‐article).pt.
 93 91 not 92
 94 66 and 93
1 (MODY or NIDDM or T2DM or T2D).tw,ot.
 2 (non insulin$ depend$ or noninsulin$ depend$ or noninsulin?depend$ or non insulin?depend$).tw,ot.
 3 ((typ? 2 or typ? II or typ?2 or typ?II) adj3 diabet$).tw,ot.
 4 (((late or adult$ or matur$ or slow or stabl$) adj3 onset) and diabet$).tw,ot.
 5 or/1‐4
 6 diabet$,ot.
 7 5 not 6
 8 Education/
 9 exp Educational Status/
 10 exp Self Care/
 11 exp Self Efficacy/
 12 exp Health Promotion/
 13 exp Life Style/
 14 exp Rehabilitation/
 15 exp Social Support/
 16 exp Counseling/
 17 exp Community Mental Health Services/ or exp Community Health Services/ or exp Community Health Nursing/
 18 (complianc* or adherenc*).tw,ot.
 19 (educat* or cultur* or instruct* or information* or program*).tw,ot.
 20 (self adj6 (care or efficac* or group* or manag* or monitor*)).tw,ot.
 21 (health knowledge* or rehabilitation* or communication*).tw,ot.
 22 (life style or life?style).tw,ot.
 23 counsel*.tw,ot.
 24 (structured treatment* or teaching program*).tw,ot.
 25 or/8‐24
 26 exp Minority Groups/
 27 exp Ethnic Groups/
 28 exp Multilingualism/
 29 exp Refugees/
 30 exp Population Groups/
 31 exp Hispanic Americans/
 32 exp African Americans/
 33 exp Arabs/
 34 exp Asian Americans/
 35 exp Mexican Americans/
 36 exp Jews/
 37 exp Cultural Characteristics/
 38 ((underserve* or disadvantage*) adj6 (group* or population*)).tw,ot.
 39 ethnic*.tw,ot.
 40 (multi ethnic* or multi?ethnic*).tw,ot.
 41 (multi?racial* or multi racial*).tw,ot.
 42 (migrant* or immigrant*).tw,ot.
 44 asylum seeker*.tw,ot.
 45 cultural diversit*.tw,ot.
 46 (multi?lingual or multi lingual).tw,ot.
 47 (multi?cultural or multi cultural or cross?cultural or cross cultural or trans?cultural or transcultural).tw,ot.
 48 exp Islam/
 49 exp Hinduism/
 50 exp Buddhism/
 51 (islam* or hindu* or sikh* or buddhism*).tw,ot.
 52 or/26‐51
 53 randomi?ed.ab.
 54 placebo.ab.
 55 randomly.ab.
 56 trial.ab.
 57 groups.ab.
 58 or/53‐57
 59 exp Meta‐analysis/
 61 (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot.
 62 (meta analy$ or metaanaly$ or meta?analy$).tw,ot.
 63 or/59‐62
 64 58 or 63
 65 7 and 25 and 52 and 64
1 (MODY or NIDDM or T2DM or T2D).tw,ot.
 2 (non insulin$ depend$ or noninsulin$ depend$ or noninsulin?depend$ or non insulin?depend$).tw,ot.
 3 ((typ? 2 or typ? II or typ?2 or typ?II) adj3 diabet$).tw,ot.
 4 (((late or adult$ or matur$ or slow or stabl$) adj3 onset) and diabet$).tw,ot.
 5 or/1‐4
 6 exp Diabetes Insipidus/
 7 diabet$,ot.
 8 6 or 7
 9 5 not 8
 10 Education/
 11 exp Self Care/
 12 exp Self Efficacy/
 13 exp Health Promotion/
 14 exp Rehabilitation/
 15 exp Communication/
 16 exp Social Support/
 17 exp Patient Participation/
 18 exp Counseling/
 19 exp Community Mental Health Services/ or exp Community Health Services/ or exp Community Health Nursing/
 20 exp Communication Barriers/
 21 (complianc* or adherenc*).tw,ot.
 22 (educat* or cultur* or instruct* or information* or program*).tw,ot.
 23 (self adj6 (care or efficac* or group* or manag* or monitor*)).tw,ot.
 24 (health knowledge* or rehabilitation* or communication*).tw,ot.
 25 (life style or life?style).tw,ot.
 26 counsel*.tw,ot.
 27 (structured treatment* or teaching program*).tw,ot.
 28 or/10‐27
 29 exp Minority Groups/
 30 exp Ethnic Groups/
 31 exp Multilingualism/
 32 exp Refugees/
 33 exp African Americans/
 34 exp Arabs/
 35 exp Asian Americans/
 36 exp Gypsies/
 37 exp Mexican Americans/
 38 exp Jews/
 39 ((underserve* or disadvantage*) adj6 (group* or population*)).tw,ot.
 40 ethnic*.tw,ot.
 41 (multi ethnic* or multi?ethnic*).tw,ot.
 42 (multi?racial* or multi racial*).tw,ot.
 43 (migrant* or immigrant*).tw,ot.
 45 asylum seeker*.tw,ot.
 46 cultural diversit*.tw,ot.
 47 (multi?lingual or multi lingual).tw,ot.
 48 (multi?cultural or multi cultural or cross?cultural or cross cultural or trans?cultural or transcultural).tw,ot.
 49 exp Islam/
 50 exp Hinduism/
 51 exp Buddhism/
 52 (islam* or hindu* or sikh* or buddhism*).tw,ot.
 53 or/29‐52
 54 randomi?ed.ab.
 55 placebo.ab.
 56 randomly.ab.
 57 trial.ab.
 58 groups.ab.
 59 or/54‐58
 60 exp Meta‐analysis/
 62 (health technology adj6 assessment$).tw,ot.
 63 (meta analy$ or metaanaly$ or meta?analy$).tw,ot.
 64 or/60‐63
 65 59 or 64
 66 9 and 28 and 53 and 65
'My NCBI' alert service
("diabetes mellitus, type 2"[MeSH Terms] OR "type 2 diabetes mellitus"[All Fields] OR "type 2 diabetes"[All Fields]) AND (("ethnic groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ("ethnic"[All Fields] AND "groups"[All Fields]) OR "ethnic groups"[All Fields] OR "ethnic"[All Fields]) AND ("minority groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ("minority"[All Fields] AND "groups"[All Fields]) OR "minority groups"[All Fields] OR "minority"[All Fields]))