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. 2014 Sep 4;2014(9):CD006424. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006424.pub3
  Intervention(s) and comparator(s) Duration of intervention
 (duration of follow‐up) Participating
 population Study period
 [year to year] Country Setting
Agurs Collins 1997
I: individual and group sessions 6 mo (3, 6 mo) African Americans 1997 USA Clinics
C: 1 class and info leaflet
Anderson 2005
I: group sessions 6 wk (6 wk as RCT; non‐RCT at 12/52, 6/12 and 1 year) African Americans 2005 USA Convenient community‐based locations
C: usual care plus feedback on baseline bloods
Babamoto 2009
I1: individual sessions plus telephone calls 6 mo (6 mo) Hispanic, age > 18 years July 2002 ‐ USA Home, clinic and
 community locations
I2: case management  
C: usual care Outpatients when
 required (routine clinics)
Baradaran 2006
I: group sessions 3 mo (6 mo) South Asian, age > 30 years 2006 United Kingdom Primary care or day care centres
C1: usual care—South Asian
C2: usual care—White Caucasian (not randomised) Not included in analysis
Bellary 2008 I: treatment protocols and extra clinics plus link workers 24 mo (24 mo) South Asians 2008 UK Inner city GP practices
C: treatment protocols only
Brown 2002
I: group sessions 12 mo (6, 12 mo) Mexican Americans 2002 USA Community sites
C: usual care—wait‐listed control group
Carter 2011 I: Internet and videoconferencing with nurse 9 mo (9 mo) African Americans USA Participant's home
C: usual care
Crowley 2013 I: individual sessions via telephone 12 mo (12 mo) African Americans USA Telephone encounters and primary care clinic
C: usual care + leaflet
D'Eramo Melkus 2010 I: group sessions 11 wk (3, 12, 24 mo) "Black women" aged 21‐65 with type 2 diabetes USA Primary care centre, school or nursing
C: conventional (not culturally appropriate) group sessions 10 wk
DePue 2013 I: nurse‐led self‐management education and medication management facilitation components 12 mo (12 mo) Samoan American Samoa (USA) Remote communication (i.e. participants' homes)
C: usual care
Gary 2009 I: individual visits to CHW and nurse following culturally appropriate clinical algorithms 24 mo (36 mo) African Americans with type 2 diabetes living in Baltimore City Recruitment: Nov. 2001‐May 2003. Intervention time not stated USA Participants' homes,
 community settings
 and clinics
C: telephone calls and info leaflets
Gucciardi 2007
I1: individual and group sessions 3 days (3 mo) Portuguese Canadians Recruitment:Nov 2001‐Nov 2003. Intervention delivery not stated Canada Toronto Western Hospital Diabetes Education Centre for both groups
I2: individual sessions Up to 3 mo (3 mo)
Hawthorne 1997
I: individual session with CHW—'flashcards' 1 session (6 mo) Pakistanis with type 2 DM Recruitment: Aug. 1992‐Nov.1993
Intervention delivery time not stated
UK Secondary care setting or GP practices
C: usual care in clinics
Kattelmann 2009 I: group sessions 6 mo (6 mo) Northern Plains Indians from the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation (Native Americans) with type 2 diabetes January 2005‐December 2005 USA Field site on Indian
C: standard dietary education and health care
Keyserling 2002
I1: individual and group sessions 12 mo (6, 12 mo) African American women USA Primary care and community centres
I2: individual counselling (not included in meta‐analysis) 4 mo (6, 12 mo)
C: usual care 12 mo
Khan 2011 I: individual computer‐based 3 mo (3 mo) Underserved people with type 2 diabetes Feb 2007‐June 2008 USA Waiting room
C: Brochure on self‐management
Kim 2009 I: group sessions and telephone calls 30 wk (18 and 30 wk) Korean Americans USA Community site—Korean Resource Centre
C: usual care (wait‐listed)
Lorig 2008 I: group sessions 6 wk (6 mo) Hispanic USA Community settings in San Francisco Bay Area
C: usual care (wait‐listed)
Lujan 2007 I: group sessions, telephone calls & inspirational postcards 6 mo (6 mo) Mexican Americans 2007 USA Catholic faith‐based community clinic
C: usual care—individual sessions & info leaflets
Middelkoop 2001
I: group sessions 6 mo (6 mo) Surinam South Asians 2001 The Netherlands Primary care centres and outpatient clinics
C: usual care (wait‐listed)
O'Hare 2004 I: treatment protocols plus extra diabetes clinics and link workers 12 mo (12 mo) South Asians 2004 UK Primary care centres
C: treatment protocols only
Osborn 2010 I: individual education session 90 min (3 mo) Puerto Ricans 2010 USA Primary care clinic in an urban hospital
C: usual care ‐ access to monthly support group facilitated by Puerto‐Rican worker
Philis‐Tsimikas 2011 I: group education sessions and support group 10 mo (10 mo) Mexican Americans 2011 USA Conference room of health clinic
C: usual care
Rosal 2005
I: individual and group sessions 10 wk (3, 6 mo) Puerto Ricans 2005 USA Community sites familiar to participants
C: usual care plus feedback of test results
Rosal 2011 I: individual and group sessions 12 mo (4, 12 mo) Latinos 2011 USA Individual sessions in participants' homes. Group sessions in community locations
C: usual care + laboratory results
Rothschild 2013 I: home visits 2 years (2 years) Mexican Americans 2013 USA Participants' homes
C: mailed info leaflets
Samuel‐Hodge 2009 I: individual and group session, telephone calls 8 mo (8, 12 mo) African Americans 2009 USA All sessions took place in participants' local church
C: minimal intervention: leaflets and newsletters
Sixta 2008 I: group sessions 10 wk (3, 6 mo) Mexican Americans 2008 USA Community health centre
C: usual care (wait‐listed)
Skelly 2005 I: home visits 12 wk (12 wk) African Americans 2005 USA Participants' homes
C: usual care plus telephone call (wait‐listed)  
Skelly 2009 I: home visits—symptom focused;
I2: home visits + booster
2 mo (3, 6, 9 mo) African Americans 2009 USA Participants' homes
C: nurse home visits—non‐symptom focused
Spencer 2011 I: CHW: group meetings, home visit and accompanied clinic visit 6 mo (6 mo) African American and Hispanic Recruitment Sept 2004‐July 2006; rest of study period not stated USA 'Community locations,' participants' homes and clinic visit
C: usual care (wait‐listed)
Toobert 2011 I: group meetings 24 mo (6, 12, 24 mo) Latino 2011 USA Group sessions held in health centres. Unclear where retreat held
C: usual care
Vincent 2007 I: group sessions 8 wk (3 mo) Mexican Americans 2007 USA Conference room of health clinic
C: usual care and education given at the clinic
"‐" denotes not reported
C: comparator: I: intervention; min: minutes; mo: months; N/A: not applicable; RCT: randomised controlled trial; SD: standard deviation; wk: weeks