Figure 2 -.
Pan-Cancer PTM landscape
A. Hierarchical clustering of sample similarity matrices across their signature activities (middle heatmap). Tracks: (top) Cluster, and cohort annotations, (middle) whole-exome mutational signatures and (below) ESTIMATE assignments. Lower panel heatmap shows RNA, proteins and phosphosites in the top differentially expressed pathways between the left and right sides of the first split of the dendrogram.
B. Bubble plot representation of The Kinase Library enrichment based on differentially expressed substrates of each kinase between the first split of the dendrogram. Enrichment (Red), depletion (Blue).
C. CLUMPS-PTM results for the first split shows Significant 3D spatial clustering of differentially acetylated (left, triangles) or phosphorylated (right, boxes) sites. Circles represent significance based on the union of both. DDR hallmark geneset (blue). Red: Significant results - FDR <0.1, Yellow: near significance results- FDR <0.25.
D. SRSF2 phosphorylation cluster on 3D crystal structure (cyan; PDB ID: 2LEA), RRM-1 domain (amber), phosphosites (purple).
E. ARID1A acetylation cluster on 3D crystal structure (cyan,PDB ID: 6LTH), acetylsites (pink).
F. Violin plots showing protein abundances of ARID1A (left), and Glucocorticoid targets (right) between the first split of the dendrogram.