Figure 5 -.
Pan-Cancer histone regulation
A. Heatmap showing site level acetylation of various histone protein substrates across 6 cohorts. Tracks above show the cohort, cluster assignment, gender and smoking score.
B. Scatter plots showing the rankings of site-specific histone PTM levels and tobacco smoking mutational signature activities. 95% confidence intervals of the Spearman’s correlation coefficient determined by bootstrapping.
C. Bubble plot showing Pan-Cancer associations between key regulators of histone acetylation and histone acetylation sites.
D. Scatter plots showing the lasso regression associations between histone regulators and H2B acetylation levels across all tumors and in specific clusters in the dendrogram.
E. Heatmap showing the differentially acetylated histone sites in the Immune Cold subtype compared to all other immune subtypes.
F. Correlations between histone acetylation sites and close proximity phosphorylation sites.