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[Preprint]. 2023 Nov 14:2023.11.10.566605. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.10.566605

Table 3:

Table of parameter values used in network simulations.

Parameter Description Value Units
rb Spontaneous input rate 2  Hz
gExc,eb Synaptic weight of spontaneous excitatory inputs to Exc 13.5 nS
gPV,eb Synaptic weight of spontaneous excitatory inputs to Exc 12.0 nS
gSST,eb Synaptic weight of spontaneous excitatory inputs to SST 12.0 nS
gSST,ib Synaptic weight of spontaneous inhibitory inputs to SST 3.0 nS
wExCT Synaptic weight from thalamic layer to Exc neurons 2.0 nS
WPVT Synaptic weight from thalamic layer to PV neurons 1.0 nS
r0ext Visual input parameter 4  Hz
r1ext Visual input parameter 30  Hz
c0 Contrast nonlinearity parameter 16 %
gPVChR2 ChR2 quantal conductance for PV 15 nS
gSSTChR2 ChR2 quantal conductance for SST 1.3 nS
wExcExc Synaptic weight from Exc to Exc 1.2 nS
wPVExc Synaptic weight from Exc to PV 0.1 nS
wSSTExc Synaptic weight from Exc to SST 0.1 nS
wExcPV Synaptic weight from PV to Exc 1.5 nS
wPVPV Synaptic weight from PV to PV 1.5 nS
wExcSST Synaptic weight from SST to Exc 0.8 nS
wPVSST Synaptic weight from SST to PV 0.8 nS
α Strength of dendritic interaction between E and SST inputs in E neurons 70 MΩ
ϵ Connectivity density parameter 0.2 -
ϵext External connectivity density parameter 0.05 -
pExc l Proportion of long-range Exc projections 0.8 -
pPVl Proportion of long-range PV projections 0.2 -
pSSTl Proportion of long-range SST projections 0.7 -