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[Preprint]. 2023 Nov 17:2023.11.17.567512. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.17.567512

Table 1:

Tolerance parameters used for comet search for each dataset

Original dataset identifier Tissue Instrument Count of .RAW files Count MS2 spectra Peptide mass tolerance (ppm) Fragment tolerance (Da) Count of observed sites reported Statistical control method used (Peptides) Statistical control method used (Sites)
PXD000923[27] Flower TripleTOF 5600 10 97388 20 0.02 2347 ion score >34 (p<0.05) Ascore>19, p≤0.01
PXD002222[29] Leaf Q Exactive 6 121117 20 0.02 2367 filtered for peptide rank 1 and high identification confidence, corresponding to 1 % FDR Mascot score >20 PhosphoRS probability >90%, in at least 2 of 3 biological replicates
PXD002756[34] Anther LTQ Orbitrap Elite 5 225674 20 1.0005 8973 Expectation value p<0.05 phosphoRS (no threshold given)
PXD004705[33] Leaf Q Exactive 9 208050 20 0.02 3412 Protein Discoverer <1% FDR PhosphoRS probability >90% in at least 2 of 3 biological replicates
PXD004939[31] Leaf Q Exactive 9 212875 20 0.02 2271 Protein Discoverer <1% FDR Mascot score >20 PhosphoRS probability >90%
PXD005241[32] Shoot, Leaf, Panicles (Young and Mature) Q Exactive 18 1040757 20 1.0005 5523 Protein Discoverer <1% FDR PhosphoRS probability >90% in at least 2 of 3 biological replicates
PXD012764[35] Root Q Exactive 6 260560 10 0.02 2674 Protein Discoverer <1% FDR PhosphoRS score ≥50; PhosphoRS site probability ≥75%
PXD019291[38] Pollen Q Exactive 4 110117 10 0.02 2246 Not reported Not reported