Lower-than-normal levels of, and lack of normal age-related increases in, glial metabolites in nonhospitalized patients post–COVID-19. A, As compared with healthy controls (blue and left bar of each pair), nonhospitalized participants post–COVID-19 (orange and right bar of each pair) showed even lower levels of brain metabolites than those observed across all patients post–COVID-19. Mean values are adjusted per the covariates as needed; error bars indicate SE. B and C, Nonhospitalized patients post–COVID-19 showed a lack of normal age-related increases in ACC-GM mI and ACC-GM tCr. #Indicates significant group differences after FDR correction. ACC-GM, anterior cingulate cortex–gray matter; Cho × 3, choline compounds *3 (choline + phosphocholine + glyceryl phosphorylcholine); FDR, false discovery rate; FWM, frontal white matter; Glu + Gln, glutamate + glutamine; mI, myo-inositol; tCr, total creatine (creatine + phosphocreatine); tNAA, N-acetyl compounds.