CiLV-C derived from the cDNA clone is mechanically transmitted. (A) CiLV-C symptoms are clearly seen as necrotic spots at 8 days and progress in the course of the viral infection. Mock corresponds to the plants inoculated with extract of plants agroinfiltrated with pJL89/35S-cDNA1mut + pJL89/35S-cDNA2 (pJL89/35S-CiLV-Cmut). (B) RT-PCR analysis from RNA extracted (DNase I treated) of the leaves mechanically inoculated with CiLV-C inoculum derived from the cDNA clone or the CiLV-C mutated version (Mock). Blank, no template added. (+), positive control (plasmid) to amplify the CiLV-C p29 and p24 genes. p29 and p24 have 792 bp and 645 bp, respectively. The marker band sizes of 850 bp and 650 bp are indicated. 1 kb corresponds to GeneRuler 1 kb ladder marker. (C) Northern blot at 4 days post-mechanical inoculation, using a DIG-riboprobe complementary to the CiLV-C p29 and p24 genes. rRNA stained with ethidium bromide indicates equal loading of samples. The localization of gRNA1 and 2 and sgRNA1, 2, 3, and 4 are indicated.