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. 2023 Sep 6;10(6):3352–3363. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.14524

Table 4.

Association with low simple GDMT score

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Odds ratio 95% CI P value Odds ratio 95% CI P value
Age (years) 1.050 1.040–1.060 <0.001 1.030 1.020–1.040 <0.001
Male (%) 0.604 0.465–0.785 <0.001 0.991 0.720–1.370 0.957
BNP 1.000 1.000–1.000 0.057 1.000 1.000–1.000 0.603
NYHA class 1.200 1.000–1.420 0.045 1.310 1.050–1.630 0.014
EF (%) 1.040 1.030–1.060 <0.001 1.030 1.010–1.050 <0.001
Hx of HF (%) 1.270 0.971–1.660 0.080 0.830 0.594–1.160 0.272
ICM (%) 1.180 0.917–1.510 0.200
sBP (mmHg) 0.996 0.992–1.000 0.026 0.998 0.991–1.010 0.595
dBP (mmHg) 0.988 0.983–0.993 <0.001 0.999 0.989–1.010 0.924
HR (b.p.m.) 0.993 0.988–0.998 0.002 0.997 0.991–1.000 0.418
BMI (kg/m2) 0.929 0.905–0.953 <0.001 0.992 0.973–1.010 0.424
AF (%) 1.180 0.922–1.520 0.186
DM (%) 0.712 0.552–0.918 0.008 0.682 0.503–0.924 0.013
COPD (%) 1.150 0.703–1.880 0.577
Pneumonia (%) 1.330 0.917–1.940 0.132
Laboratory data
BUN (mg/dL) 1.040 1.030–1.040 <0.001 1.010 0.999–1.030 0.071
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) 0.977 0.971–0.982 <0.001 0.992 0.983–1.000 0.092
UA (mg/dL) 1.010 0.950–1.060 0.863
Na (mmol/L) 0.974 0.947–1.000 0.060 1.000 0.969–1.040 0.900
K (mmol/L) 1.530 1.270–1.850 <0.001 1.480 1.170–1.870 0.001
Hb (g/dL) 0.795 0.753–0.839 <0.001 0.927 0.860–0.999 0.047
Alb (g/dL) 0.664 0.529–0.835 <0.001 0.841 0.628–1.130 0.245
In‐hospital use
Vasodilator (%) 0.693 0.520–0.924 0.012 0.702 0.483–1.020 0.063
Carperitide 0.941 0.667–1.330 0.729
In‐hospital loop diuretics (%) 0.978 0.742–1.290 0.874
In‐hospital TLV (%) 1.080 0.824–1.420 0.575
Catecholamine (%) 1.070 0.778–1.460 0.690
NPPV (%) 0.932 0.669–1.300 0.679
At discharge
Hospital stay (days) 1.000 0.993–1.010 0.835
Loop (%) 1.110 0.859–1.430 0.427
Loop dose (mg) 1.000 0.995–1.010 0.365
TLV (%) 1.320 0.984–1.770 0.063 0.983 0.682–1.420 0.927
PDEIIIi (%) 0.835 0.556–1.260 0.388
CRT/ICD (%) 0.812 0.480–1.370 0.438

AF, atrial fibrillation; Alb, albumin; BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy; dBP, diastolic blood pressure; DM, diabetes mellitus; EF, ejection fraction; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GDMT, guideline‐directed medical therapy; Hb, haemoglobin; HR, heart rate; Hx of HF, history of heart failure; ICD, implantable cardiac defibrillator; ICM, ischaemic cardiomyopathy; K, potassium; Na, sodium; NPPV, non‐invasive positive pressure ventilation; NYHA, New York Heart Association; PDEIIIi, phosphodiesterase III inhibitor; sBP, systolic blood pressure; TLV, tolvaptan; UA, uric acid.