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. 2023 Sep 26;103(11):pzad128. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzad128

Table 1.

Baseline Predictor Responsesa

Model Development External Validation
STarT MSK-Pilot KAPS Total POC 2–4 Wk
n = 214 n = 465 n = 679 n = 275 n = 586
Age (at consultation, y), mean (SD) 58.2 (15.9) 54.6 (17) 55.7 (16.7) 56.6 (15.5) 58.5 (16.0)
Sex, female 134 (62.6) 267 (57.4) 401 (59.1) 167 (60.7) 353 (60.2)
Primary pain site, neck 59 (27.6) 57 (12.3) 116 (17.1) 61 (22.2) 129 (22.0)
Pain duration
  <3 mo 67 (31.3) 116 (25.0) 183 (27.0) 63 (22.9) 140 (23.9)
 3–6 mo 33 (15.4) 67 (14.4) 100 (14.7) 41 (14.9) 91 (15.5)
 7–12 mo 29 (13.6) 33 (7.1) 62 (9.1) 33 (12.0) 70 (12.0)
 Over 1 y 85 (39.7) 240 (51.6) 325 (47.9) 134 (48.7) 278 (47.4)
Comorbidities (self-reported)
 Diabetes 19 (8.9) 41 (8.8) 60 (8.8) 23 (8.4) 59 (10.0)
 Respiratory problem 37 (17.3) 67 (14.4) 104 (15.3) 48 (17.5) 102 (17.4)
 Heart problem 65 (30.4) 118 (25.4) 183 (27.0) 75 (27.3) 171 (29.2)
 Chronic fatigue 14 (6.5) 11 (2.4) 25 (3.7) 16 (5.8) 43 (7.3)
 Anxiety/depression 48 (22.4) 97 (20.9) 145 (21.4) 61 (22.2) 147 (25.1)
 Other 46 (21.5) 121 (26.0) 167 (24.6) 71 (25.8) 132 (22.5)
EQ5D—Usual activities
 No problem 44 (20.6) 138 (29.7) 182 (26.8) 40 (14.6) 96 (16.4)
 Slight problem 80 (37.4) 139 (29.9) 219 (32.3) 95 (34.6) 206 (35.2)
 Moderate problem 52 (24.3) 106 (22.8) 158 (23.3) 86 (31.3) 183 (31.2)
 Severe problem 28 (13.1) 60 (12.9) 88 (13.0) 38 (13.8) 70 (12.0)
 Unable/extreme problem 10 (4.7) 15 (3.2) 25 (3.7) 12 (4.6) 23 (3.9)
Help to read instructions
 Never 162 (75.7) 354 (76.1) 516 (76.0) 221 (80.4) 476 (82.2)
 Rarely 33 (15.4) 48 (10.3) 81 (11.9) 22 (8.0) 51 (8.7)
 Sometimes 9 (4.2) 36 (7.7) 45 (6.6) 19 (6.9) 32 (5.5)
 Often 2 (0.9) 14 (3.0) 16 (2.4) 9 (3.3) 19 (3.2)
 Always 3 (1.4) 13 (2.8) 16 (2.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.3)
NDI—Baseline score, mean (SD) 16.1 (8) 17.5 (8.7) 16.6 (8.7)
NDI %—Baseline score, mean (SD) 32.2 (16) 35.1 (17.4) 33.2 (17.4)
RMDQ—Baseline score, median (IQR) 9 (5–13) 10 (5–15) 9 (5–14)
STarT MSK Tool score (baseline), median (IQR) 6 (4–7) 7 (4–9) 7 (4–9) 7 (5–8) 7 (5–9)
STarT MSK Tool score subgroup (baseline)
 High risk 29 (13.6) 118 (25.4) 147 (21.6) 95 (34.6) 140 (23.9)
 Medium risk 105 (49.1) 176 (37.9) 281 (41.4) 120 (43.6) 273 (46.6)
 Low risk 63 (29.4) 125 (26.9) 188 (27.7) 40 (14.6) 101 (17.4)
1) Pain intensity, median (IQR) On average, how intense was your pain [where 0 isno painand 10 ispain as bad as it could be”]? 7 (5–8) 7 (4–8) 7 (5–8) 7 (6–8) 7 (5–8)
2) Pain self-efficacy Do you often feel unsure about how to manage your pain condition? 144 (67.3) 225 (48.4) 369 (54.3) 163 (59.3) 279 (47.6)
3) Pain impact Over the last 2 wk, have you been bothered a lot by your pain? 113 (52.8) 330 (71.0) 443 (65.2) 228 (82.9) 462 (78.8)
4) Walking short distances only Have you only been able to walk short distances because of your pain? 117 (54.7) 248 (53.3) 365 (53.8) 143 (52.0) 344 (58.7)
5) Pain elsewhere Have you had troublesome joint or muscle pain in more than 1 part of your body? 147 (68.7) 304 (65.4) 451 (66.4) 126 (45.8) 398 (67.9)
6) Thinking their condition will last a long time Do you think your condition will last a long time? 154 (72.0) 315 (67.7) 469 (69.1) 211 (76.7) 477 (81.4)
7) Other important health problems Do you have other important health problems? 81 (37.9) 183 (39.4) 264 (38.9) 88 (32.0) 242 (41.3)
8) Emotional well-being Has pain made you feel down or depressed in the last 2 wk? 132 (61.7) 284 (61.1) 416 (61.3) 170 (61.8) 388 (66.2)
9) Fear of pain-related movement Do you feel it is unsafe for a person with a condition like yours to be physically active? 56 (26.2) 133 (28.6) 189 (27.8) 144 (52.4) 322 (55.0)
10) Pain duration Have you had your current pain problem for 6 months or more? 114 (53.3) 219 (47.1) 333 (49.0) 121 (44.0) 345 (58.9)

a Baseline characteristics and responses to the Keele STarT MSK tool items (“As you answer these questions, think about how you have been over the last two weeks:”) in model development and external validation data sets. Values are n (%) unless otherwise stated. EQ5D = EuroQol 5 Dimension; IQR = interquartile range; KAPS = Keele Aches and Pains Study; NDI = Neck Disability Index; POC = point of consultation; RMDQ = Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; SD = standard deviation.