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. 2023 Nov 28;2023(11):CD012152. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012152.pub4
Term category Term no. Term Results
Neonatal population [LR1] #1 MeSH descriptor: [Infant, Newborn] explode all trees 20,484
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Intensive Care, Neonatal] this term only 375
#3 MeSH descriptor: [Intensive Care Units, Neonatal] this term only 1025
#4 MeSH descriptor: [Gestational Age] this term only 3956
#5 ("babe" or "babes" or baby* or "babies" or "gestational age" or "gestational ages" or infant? or "infantile" or infancy or "low birth weight" OR "low birth weights" or "low birthweight" or "low birthweights" or neonat* or "neo‐nat*" or newborn* or "new born?" or "newly born" or "premature" or "pre‐mature" or "pre‐matures" or prematures or prematurity or "pre‐maturity" or "preterm" or "preterms" or "pre term?" or "preemie" or "preemies" or "premies" or "premie" or "VLBW" or "VLBWI" or "VLBW‐I" or "VLBWs" or "LBW" or "LBWI" or "LBWs" or "ELBW" or "ELBWI" or "ELBWs" or "NICU" or "NICUs"):ti,ab,kw 108,579
#6 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 110,331
Hypoglycaemia #7 MeSH descriptor: [Hypoglycemia] explode all trees 4072
#8 hypogly*:ti,ab,kw 22,141
#9 #7 OR #8 22,144
Dextrose gel #10 MeSH descriptor: [Glucose] explode all trees 22,064
#11 MeSH descriptor: [Sweetening Agents] explode all trees 859
#12 dextrose* or glucose* or sweetening agent*:ti,ab,kw 80,233
#13 (“corn sugar*” or “grape sugar*” or “starch sugar*”):ti,ab,kw 15
#14 #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 80,453
#15 MeSH descriptor: [Gels] explode all trees 2998
#16 gel or gels:ti,ab,kw 17,797
#17 #15 OR #16 18,135
  #18 #6 AND #9 AND #14 AND #17 69