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. 2023 Aug 17;32(11):2123–2134. doi: 10.1177/09622802231194753

Table 5.

Estimated correlation parameters obtained for CLOUD Bank datasets, obtained by fitting the block exchangeable and discrete time decay models, and the discrete time decay cluster autocorrelation obtained by applying equation (6).

Dataset Study design K T m ρ^b r^b ρ^d r^d (equation (6))
APD ICU Observational 126 7 173 0.046 0.981 0.045 0.992 0.993
Alive&Thrive (Bangladesh) Parallel w/baseline 20 2 49.4 0.066 0.896 0.066 0.896 0.896
Alive&Thrive (Vietnam) Parallel w/baseline 40 2 29 0.062 0.959 0.062 0.959 0.959
Dementia referral Parallel w/baseline 22 3 11 0.176 1 0.176 1 1
Disinvestment2 Stepped wedge 12 8 133 0.085 0.946 0.077 0.973 0.981
Disinvestment Stepped wedge 12 9 138 0.078 0.908 0.081 0.96 0.971
MORDOR Parallel w/baseline 30 3 37 0.113 0.324 0.111 0.246 0.404
OXTEXT7 Stepped wedge 11 16 13 0.048 0.492 0.047 0.8 0.863
PITHIA Observational 22 6 8 0.056 0.08 0.053 −0.279 0.202
PROMPT (1) Stepped wedge 4 7 20 0.012 0 0.024 0.615 0
PROMPT (2) Stepped wedge 4 7 20 0.162 0.174 0.031 0.249 0.407
Syncope Observational 6 14 119 0.222 0.858 0.198 0.951 0.969
THIN (1) Observational 430 4 60 0.021 0.854 0.021 0.889 0.908
THIN (2) Observational 430 4 60 0.04 0.904 0.04 0.915 0.941
THIN (3) Observational 430 4 60 0.023 0.837 0.023 0.877 0.897
THIN (4) Observational 430 4 60 0.02 0.88 0.02 0.914 0.925

THIN: The Health Improvement Network; CLOUD Bank: CLustered OUtcomes Dataset Bank.

K is the total number of clusters, T is the total number of time periods, and m is the average number of participants in each cluster-period. Some studies included more than one continuous outcome, and this is indicated by a number in brackets after the study name.