Development of the PLIED/CAT
system in vitro. A, Crystal structure
of the eDHFR-MTX ligand complex (upper, PDB ID: 1rg7) and schematic representation
of MDP-conjugated eDHFR (lower). eDHFR (pale yellow), K32 (cyan),
G51–G56 loop region (orange), and MTX (magenta, chemical structure
is shown in Figure S1B) are shown and labeled.
B, GST-pull down assay with GST-eDHFR derivatives and MDM2. Recombinant
human MDM2 (17–125) protein was incubated with glutathione
Sepharose-immobilized GST-eDHFR derivatives. After extensive washing,
bound proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by CBB staining.
C, Quantification of MDM2 acetylation by the eDHFR derivatives and
TMP-BAHA 1. Recombinant MDM2 (17–125, 1.4 μM)
was incubated with eDHFR, PLIED-M1, eDHFR-MBP1, or MBP1-eDHFR (4 μM)
in the presence of TMP-BAHA 1 (10 μM) and acetyl
donor 2 (100 μM) at 37 °C for 5 h. Acetylation
yields of indicated lysine residues were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Error
bars represent the range of two independent experiments. D, Crystal
structure of MDM2 binding with MBP1 (left, PDB ID: 3jzs), MBP2 (middle,
PDB ID: 1t4f), or MBP3 (right, PDB ID: 3eqs). MDM2, lysine residues, and MBP are shown in gray,
cyan, and orange with label, respectively. E, Modeled structures of
PLIED/MDM2 complex. PLIED-M1/MDM2 (left), PLIED-M2/MDM2 (middle),
or PLIED-M3/MDM2 (right) complex with eDHFR (pale yellow), me-MTX
(magenta, chemical structure is shown in Figure S1B), MDM2 (gray), lysine residues of MDM2 (cyan), and MBP
(orange) are shown. F, Distributions of the distances between lysines
(K51 or K94) and me-MTX. The distances were measured between the ε-nitrogen
atom of the lysines and the center of mass of the benzene ring of
me-MTX. The distributions were computed for each of the three cases
using the last 9 μs × 15 replicas = 135 μs long trajectories.
G, GST-pull down assay with GST-PLIED and MDM2 as in B. H, Quantification
of MDM2 acetylation by PLIED/CAT system as in C.