Figure S5.
Complete results of BTH analysis. (A) BTH results for interaction between FzlA variants and full-length FtsK or its domains. The adenylyl cyclase subunits T18 (left) and T25 (top) are fused to proteins at the indicated terminus for each row or column. A green box around the representative spot image means that the three biological triplicates were positive for induction of the cAMP-dependent β-galactosidase reporter, indicating a positive interaction. Some data in Fig. 7 C is duplicated in A. (B) Representative phase-contrast, epifluorescence, and merged images, and corresponding demograph of an E. coli strain expressing IPTG-dependent his-yfp-fzlA. The strain was grown to mid-log phase, then induced for 1 h by being grown in the presence of 10 µM IPTG then imaged. Scale bar is 2 µm.