Fig. 3. Differences in intact, defective, and total HIV-1 by FLIP-seq at birth, 84 to 96 weeks, Tatelo Study entry, and end of bNAb treatment among successes and failures.
(A to C) Shown is the quantification of the viral reservoir obtained by FLIP-seq. Intact (A), defective (B), and total (C) proviruses per 1 million PBMCs were identified at birth, week 84 to 96 of age, Tatelo entry, and end of bNAb treatment. Study participants were divided into two groups according to success or failure to maintain viral control (HIV1-RNA <400 copies/mL) throughout the bNAb-only step. Open symbols represent the limit of detection (L.O.D.) when no virus was detectable, with an imputed value of 1 provirus in double the number of analyzed cells without target identification. The range of the number of PBMCs across all time points and both groups was 1.51E+06 to 1.11E+07 cells (median = 1.45E+06); for those below L.O.D., the range of the number of PBMCs was 6.06E+04 to 4.31E+06 cells (median = 1.0E+06).