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. 2023 Nov 29;223(2):e202306107. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202306107

Figure S4.

Figure S4.

RABI-8 does not alter the oligomerization state of SMGL-1 NT or CT. (A) A static light scattering assay indicated that SMGL-1 forms oligomers. The x-axis represents the elution time. The parameters monitored by LS (laser-light scattering) and UV (ultraviolet light) detectors were plotted as curves. The molecular weight was calculated according to LS measurements. Peak: 6.967 × 105. MALS, multiangle light scattering. (B) Superose 6 increase SEC elution profile of SMGL-1 NT (black), RABI-8 (blue), and a mixture of SMGL-1 NT and RABI-8 (red). Below, from top to bottom: SDS-PAGE of the peak fractions from the SMGL-1 NT-RABI-8, SMGL-1 NT, and RABI-8 elution. (C) Superose 6 increase SEC elution profile of SMGL-1 CT (black), RABI-8 (blue), and a mixture of SMGL-1 CT and RABI-8 (red). Below, from top to bottom: SDS-PAGE of the peak fractions from the SMGL-1 CT-RABI-8, SMGL-1 CT, and RABI-8 elution.