FIG. 2.
MinC immunoblot analysis in lon+ and lon mutant cells. Immunoblot analysis (5) was performed on 0.05 A600 U of strain PB115 (lon+ ΔminCDE) (lanes a, c, e, g, i, and k), RC7 (lon ΔminCDE) (lanes b, d, f, h, j and l), PB114 (lon+ ΔminCDE) (lane m), MS114 (lon ΔminCDE) (lane n), PB114(λDB164) (lon+ ΔminCD/Plac-minD) (lanes o, q, s, and u), or MS114(λDB164) (lon ΔminCDE/Plac-minD) (lanes p, r, t, and v) containing the Plac-minC plasmids pDB201 (minC+) (lanes a and b), pMS706 (minC24) (lanes c and d), pMS755 (minC27) (lanes e and f), pMS709 (minC28) (lanes g and h), pMS1 (minC36) (lanes i and j), pMS2 (minC37) (lanes k and l), or pCL45 (Pmin-minC19) (lanes m and n) or containing the PaadA-minC plasmid pJPB120m4 (minC24) (lanes o and p), pJPB120m5 (minC25) (lanes q and r), pJPB120m11 (minC27) (lanes s and t), or pJPB120m12 (minC28) (lanes u and v). Lane w contained purified MinC (100 μg). Cells were grown for 5 h in the presence of 1 mM (lanes a to l) or 0.2 mM (lanes o to v) IPTG (isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside). Arrowheads indicate the position of authentic MinC.